c h a p t e r 6 ~ f i r s t t i m e 🌈

316 14 8


I woke up to the scent of Billie's hair before sitting up to the sound of my alarm.

"Don't go", Billie moaned.

"I have to, it's school", I said getting out the bed.

I walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower before turning it on, letting the hot water wet my dark hair.

20 minutes later

I finished showering and brushing my teeth before walking back into the bedroom.

It had been a week since me and Billie had been going steady and so far it had been going good. We both decided to not label ourselves and just go with the flow.

She told me she preferred if the public didn't know about us and how I was living with her. I agreed that it was her choice.

I picked out an outfit that Billie had bought me and put it onto the bed. I felt horrible to have to depend on someone and planned on getting a job to pay her back.

"Want me to pick you up from school today", Billie asked me in a tired voice.

"Um wont people ask questions", I said.

"Well then they can ask questions", she said getting up and wrapping her hands behind me.

I turned around and gave her a quick kiss before dressing up.

"I'm don't think i'm ready", I said.

"Oh..okay, I don't mind", she said.

I finished getting dressed and walked down the stairs to get a quick breakfast.

"Want me to drop you to school", she said.

"Nah it's good I'll get the bus", I said.

"Why do you always insist on taking the bus", she said annoyed.

"Because you've already done so much for me, the last thing I can do is make my own way to school", I explained.

"It's no problem for me, why don-", she said before I interrupted her with a kiss.

"Bye, I'm gonna be late", I said leaving.

I walked out the house and made my way to the bus.

35 minutes later

I walked into the school gates to see my bestfriends waiting for me.

"BITCH, GUESS WHAT", Tanya yelled to me.

"Calm down, breathe", I said.

"Anyways, word is RIO has a crush on you and plans on asking you on a date TODAY", she exclaimed.

"Oh..um, okay", I said not really happy.

"Okay?, RIO wants to ask you out on a date and you dont even seem happy", Samiha joined.

"I guess I don't really like him", I said before hearing the bell ring.

As we walked to class I heard Samiha and Tanya whisper to each other about me.

"Imagine not thinking Rio is attractive you must be blind or gay", they laughed.

I faked a laugh and walked into class as I laid eyes on Rio. I had just remembered I had to sit beside him.

"Hey beautiful", he said as I sat beside him.

I faked a smile and stayed quiet, not really wanting to start a conversation with him.

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