Beauty in the Darkness

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You and your friends were walking home from a party. Night had long since fallen and the alcohol you'd imbibed was clouding your judgement. As you rounded the corner you couldn't help but notice the creepy old house that had long been abandoned. An idea formed in your head as you neared the rickety front gate to the estate.

"Who wants to explore the creepy abandoned house?" You blurted out.

The idle chatter between your comrades halted as you trekked towards the house. With a grin plastered on your face, you playfully rattled the heavy iron gate before pushing past and walking up to the door.

"I don't know, this seems like a bad idea to me, this place is supposed to be haunted," Larxene warned, her bright green eyes scanning the imposing structure.

With a sigh, you glanced over to your best friend Axel, who also looked wary.

"I don't think it's safe to go in there, I mean even if it isn't haunted it looks very run down," he commented.

"Cowards," You mumbled to yourself, "well if you're too scared then fine, stay out here, but I'm going inside."

Before they could protest more, you pushed the creaky wooden doors open and marched inside, only to have the doors slam shut behind you. Startled, you spun around glaring at the damned things. Undeterred, you decided that it must have been the wind, and pressed forward into the building. Unsurprisingly, the furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs but one thing in particular caught your eye. A portrait of a silver haired man hung eerily over the hearth. Upon closer inspection with the aid of your phone's flashlight, you noted that he was a handsome fellow with dusky skin, but what was most unnerving were the eyes, they were incredibly detailed and seemed to follow you about the room.

"Creepy bastard," you thought as you moved away from the painting.

As you explored the downstairs you felt as if something or someone was watching you, judging your every move. It left you wondering if the place was haunted after all. When you neared the steps to the second floor you had an uncontrollable desire to climb them, as if you were on the end of an invisible rope being pulled, you ascended to the top. A sudden banging on the front door had you nearly leaping out of your skin as the frantic voice of Axel began pleading for you to come back out, claiming to have seen something move past the windows.

"Haha, very funny guys, you can't scare me that easily," you yelled back.

Silence answered you back, and with a nod to yourself, you proceeded down the upstairs hallway. You came to a stop in front of a door. Feeling as though you had no other choice, you turned the knob and stepped inside. The room was a large bedroom, a massive four-poster bed sat pressed against the wall in the center. Hanging on the wall opposite the entry, was another portrait of the same man from the living room, this one was different, however, in that he seemed to be smiling in this particular painting. It was a cold, empty smile, one that held no joy. Again you took note of the detailed eyes, deep amber and so beautifully painted that they seemed to flow as they most certainly would have during his life. A sudden chill passed up your spine as you stared at the painting. Shuddering, you exited the bedroom, closing the door behind you. The interior of the house was much larger than it appeared from outside and one could get lost if they weren't careful. Slowly, you descended and made your way to a door you'd passed on your first round of the downstairs. The hinges squealed in protest as you pulled the handle rather roughly. Behind the door was a set of stairs that led even further down.

"Ah, what the hell," you mumbled to yourself and shined your phone's flashlight down the steps to light your path.

Each step creaked loudly as you placed your weight on them and thus you took them cautiously, not wanting to fall to your demise. Near the bottom, one of the steps snapped under your weight, sending you tumbling to the floor below. You groaned in pain as you collided with the tile. Upon standing, you examined yourself for possible damage. When all you found was a small cut on your forearm, you brushed yourself off and continued your exploration. The first door you came to wouldn't budge, so you resolved to leave it be. The next door you tried opened to reveal a room full of cobwebs. Deciding that venturing inside wasn't worth the risk of being bitten by potentially venomous spiders, you closed the door and carried onward. The final door opened to reveal a large chunk of stone that resembled an alter. The closer you got to it the more a feeling of dread crept through your body. Sprawled out over the slab was a heavy looking leather coat that, aside from a bit of dust, looked otherwise brand new. Curiously, you reached out, letting your fingers brush over the fabric slowly. You gasped when a few tiny drops of your blood landed on the material, and in a frantic state, began trying to wipe it away. With the last bit gone, you set the cloak aside to get a better look at the stone slab beneath it. You didn't recognize the symbol that decorated the center of the slab. As your fingers traced the pattern, you felt as if something was guiding you, moving your hand for you. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the thing as it began to emit a dull glow. Awestruck, you leaned in closer, trying to find the source of the light now shining from the stone. What stared back shook you to your very core. The eyes that had followed you about the living room glared into your very soul, willing you to obey. Entranced, your phone slipped from your fingers, landing on the stone with a clatter. It felt like ghostly fingers twined with yours as you began walking back to the stairs. You nearly floated up the steps following the unseen being that spurred you onward. Up to the second story, it led you, stopping just before the closed door of the bedroom. Your hand lifted of it's own accord, twisting the handle and pushing the door aside. There, on the bed, lay a figure dressed in black. Deathly still he laid, long silver hair framing a masculine jawline. Closer, the invisible force coaxed you. Again your hands moved, seemingly on their own, to brush argent strands away from closed eyes. Long black lashes fanned over his eyelids and complimented his tanned skin. His cheeks were frigid, you noted, and yet you dared to lean forward, laying your head against his unmoving chest. No heartbeat or breathing to be heard, you sat up, admiring his high cheekbones and slender nose. Just as you leaned a tad bit too close to his face, those otherworldly eyes sprung open, sending you crashing to the floor in a scramble to get away from him. You forced yourself to your feet, and as you turned to run, he appeared in front of you, glowing amber orbs pinning you in your tracks.

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