The End of Time

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Night time had never seemed so vivid and beautiful before you'd become a vampire. Everything had become enhanced after your transformation. Pale moonlight filtered down through the bluish clouds, giving everything an ominous feel, especially considering that this was your first hunt. Axel had chided you for feeding from him the first time, stating that you needed to learn to hunt instead of depending on him. Xemnas was quick to agree and had all but dragged you out of the manor as soon as the sun had set. With your hand in his, the silvernette led you through a more populated area until you both stood ended up in a run down bar full of less than reputable members of society. Saix and Axel accompanied the two of you to a table and sat opposite you. 

"Anything catching your eye?" Your sire whispered in your ear.

You scanned the room carefully, taking in a few of the rowdier drunks near the bar. One man in particular stood out. He sat alone looking angry at the world as he demanded another drink from the waiter. 

"The mopey one in the corner," you answered back, letting your glowing eyes lock onto molten amber.

"Then go get him, but be careful, don't want anyone getting suspicious," The elder vampire replied.

With a smirk, you unbuttoned the top of your blouse and let your cleavage show a bit. Xemnas sat back and watched as you sauntered over to the sulking man. He tensed a bit when you wrapped your arms around him and began whispering things into his ear but relaxed a bit when you glanced over at him, silently seeking his approval. When he smiled and nodded softly, you turned back to your prey.

"Well damn if she isn't a natural," Saix grinned at long time friend.

"She was reborn of my blood, what did you expect?" Xemnas fired back.

"True but even you weren't that smooth at first," the bluenette laughed.

Suddenly, you plopped down with your prey in tow, looking far less grumpy than he had a moment before. Just as the man was about to join you, something else caught your eye. There, standing by the bar was a man with long pink hair, boasting about the last girl he'd bedded. You peeked at your companion once before dismissing the man and sauntering over to the bar.

"Hey, Marluxia, long time no see, how about you come join me and the others at my table," you purred sweetly, letting your compulsion engulf his mind.

"Yeah, sure, sounds good," he replied and followed you back to your table.

After everyone had finished their drinks, Xemnas lead the group out of the bar, keeping a watchful eye on you and the pinkette that had joined you temporarily. He knew better than to let the subtle flirtations between you and your prey bother him yet deep down it gnawed at his heart to see you speaking in such a manner with someone that wasn't him. When Axel and Saix split apart from the group, you and your mate lead the obnoxious male down a dark alley way. 

"There's no one around, go ahead," your elder spoke.

With a vicious snarl, you bit into Marluxia's flesh, sighing contentedly when his crimson essence coated your tongue. Before he could scream, your hand clamped tightly over his mouth. You could taste the different emotions rolling through his blood as you gulped it down. One in particular stood out above the rest, you noted. Lust, pure and unbridled tickled your sense of taste and you growled. The damned fool was getting off on your feeding from him. Beside you, Xemnas took notice of your sudden change in demeanor and placed a firm hand on your shoulder. 

"If you keep feeding from him, you'll kill him," he stated.

When you clamped down harder on your prey's neck and shifted away from the silvernette, he frowned.

"You won't be able to handle the guilt if you kill him, let him go," he commanded stiffly.

As he realized that the man had gone completely limp in your arms and his skin was a shade lighter, he wrapped a muscular arm around your throat and pried you off the pink-haired male. You snarled and hissed in protest until you watched your ex slump down against the wall lifelessly.

"He's still alive, for now, next time heed my warning and this won't happen," your sire voiced.

"I couldn't stop, I wanted to but at the same time I couldn't, I could taste his lust! Is that normal?" You cried.

"It's perfectly normal, I promise, you were the same way after all. As a vampire your very existence is meant to appeal to your prey, you are the very definition of the carnal sin, lust. You lust after the blood of mortals and in turn they lust after you, before, during, and sometimes even after you've fed from them. You've experienced such lust before, the second time I drank of your essence lust flooded your very being, clouding your judgement and in turn, pushing you straight into my arms," Xemnas informed you. 

"Are you two done, if so I'd suggest we move this party elsewhere before Hunters show up, I doubt your beloved is ready to deal with them," Saix suddenly spoke up from behind the elder vampire.

After tossing Marluxia over his shoulder, the silvernette led you and the others back to the manor. Sometime later the pink-haired male awoke with a start, nearly throwing himself off the couch. When the dusky-skinned man appeared in front of him, he almost screamed. Almost. 

"You had one too many at the bar after which we took you home and you passed out, when you walk out that door, you won't remember any of what happened the night before, now leave my den and never return," those molten amber eyes burned brightly as he willed the smaller man before him to obey.

Entranced, the pinkette stood and meandered out the front door. After watching the spectacle unfold, you made your way down the stairs to sit beside your counterpart.

"Eternity, eh?" You questioned aloud.

"Eternity," he replied.

His eyes widened as you presented him with a simple gold band. 

"I know it's not much, but it was my grandfather's then my dad's before he passed, I want you to have it now and . . . It would mean the world to me if you wore it," you smiled as he spread his fingers for you to slide the ring on.

"I couldn't think of a better way to spend eternity than by your side," he murmured, pulling you into a tight embrace.

"Till the end of time then," you retorted before pulling him down for a deep and passionate kiss.

Darkness is Eternal (Xemnas/Reader{Vampire A/U})Where stories live. Discover now