Enter New Life

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A/N: In case you decided you didn't want to read the previous chapter, here's what happened, the reader character was kidnapped by Xehanort who is Xemnas' sire, he did really bad things to her and broke her down enough that she lost all faith in Xemnas. Xemnas rescued her but was met with her bitterness only for Saix to intervene on his friend's behalf, and was a total savage about it, then the reader agreed to let Xemnas turn her.

A huge grin etched its way onto Xemnas' features as his arms nearly squeezed the life out of you. You wheezed as he pressed against your damaged ribs.

"Xem, I love you, but you're going to kill me if you keep squeezing like that," you grunted out, tapping on his arms lightly.

When he released you, he had streams of blood running down his cheeks. It took you a moment to realize that he was crying. You gently brushed away the streams before pulling him to you for a kiss. Those inhumanly strong arms lifted you, carrying you to the stairs and descending.

"Saix, I need you to find a sorcerer, one who knows the ritual, you're likely better informed than I," Xemnas spoke, eyeing the bluenette purposefully. 

"I've already got someone in mind, go, get everything else ready and I'll go grab our mage," Saix replied then took off out the door.

The silvernette moved you to the couch, leaving you to read while he gathered what he needed for the ritual and prepared himself. You watched idly as the vampire moved up and down the basement stairs several times, carrying different objects that had your curiosity peaked. One thing unnerved you as he carried it down the stairs. It was a curved blade with jagged edges and it made you squirm in your seat. Suddenly the front door opened to reveal the wolf with your best friend Axel in tow.

"Axel?!" You cried in shock.

"Hey there," He chuckled out nervously.

"Wait, you're a sorcerer? When did this happen? And how come you never told me?" You demanded still trying to wrap your mind around the fact that your best friend, whom you'd known since grade school, was a mage.

"For a while now, I knew the day you brought Xemnas to my door that he was a vampire and I guess I figured it was only a matter of time before one of you came to me for the ritual. I gotta warn you, it's not a pretty thing and it's really risky, you sure you wanna put yourself through it?" The redhead asked.

"I'm sure, the alternative is not something I want to even consider. Can you do it?" It was your turn to question him.

"I can though I must say I'm not entirely pleased about the prospect of using black magic, I became a sorcerer to help people, not the other way around," he stated.

"What do you mean, black magic?" You couldn't help but wonder.

"Xemnas didn't tell you did he? He has to kill you for you to become a vampire. He has to drain every last drop of blood from your body so that he can replace it with the stuff that makes vampires. He also has to let you draw on him for strength during the process which is why it's so risky, if you start to pull too much from him the ritual will complete prematurely killing you both in the process. The binding spell is what unsettles me the most, it literally merges two souls for the time that the ritual takes to finish, it's ancient and evil and you're lucky I love Saix so much or I'd have never agreed to do this," he informed you.

Darkness is Eternal (Xemnas/Reader{Vampire A/U})Where stories live. Discover now