Dance Macabre

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A/N: This chapter is going to be more lighthearted and fluffy, I know this is totally out of character for big bad Xemnas but, you know what, he needs love and happiness too! Also, Ghost, because I said so and I'm a self indulgent whore.

A few months had passed since you'd first met Xemnas and in that time, you had moved the rest of your belongings into the old manor, and he had taken to fixing up the place. What was once a dark and creepy house was slowly becoming elegant and homey in its own way. An idea had taken root in your mind and you were eagerly awaiting the appropriate time to bring it up to the vampire. You'd finally convinced him to stop wearing his cloak all the time, instead helping him choose more comfortable modern outfits. As per his request almost everything you picked out for him was black on black but you didn't mind. Black suited him well. At the moment he was wearing a black muscle shirt with NIN plastered in bright white lettering across the front. You couldn't help but smile as you walked over to where he sat, sketching in the book you'd bought for him. You'd recently discovered his aptitude for the finer arts, drawing and painting especially. He seemed at peace as he began shading the rose he'd drawn.

"Hey Xemnas," you murmured, playfully draping your arms around his shoulders from behind.

"Yes, little one?" He replied with a soft chuckle.

"I've been here a while and while I love spending time with you, I was wondering if maybe, possibly I could convince you to meet a few of my friends, perhaps?" You rambled in the sweetest voice you could manage.

You buried your face in his neck when you felt him stiffen slightly. You'd hoped to avoid upsetting him and the topic of social interaction had been a bit touchy at best with him. A few moments of uncomfortable silence passed between the two of you and you begun to worry. At last he was the one to break the stillness.

"Would that make you happy?" He spoke softly.

"Yes," you mumbled into his neck.

He sighed then, and let his large hand come to rest on top of your head. You felt yourself smiling, knowing his answer then and there. Tightening your grip around his shoulders, you planted a kiss on his neck before running off to get dressed. His deep laugh could be heard as he followed you up the stairs to your shared bedroom. As you evaluated your options, you came across the gift you'd been hoping to save for the perfect occasion. With a smirk, you pulled the black fabric off its hanger and searched for a shirt and socks to match. After pulling on the pleated miniskirt, you grabbed the matching tank top and stripped socks, tugging them into place before moving to the vanity to do your makeup. Just as you were finishing up your eyeliner, you felt Xemnas standing behind you and turned in time to see him tugging on his newfound favorite black t-shirt. When you'd introduced him to some of your favorite bands you'd been shocked at how quickly he'd fallen in love with one band in particular. The word Ghost emblazoned his chest with an inverted cross decorating his spine and you couldn't help but smile as you let him see your own shirt. You too had chosen a shirt sporting the same logo across the front. 

"When did you get that?" He asked, a look of surprise on his face.

"Around the time that you started listening to Ghost religiously," you giggled.

The silvernette smiled, shaking his head slightly.

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