I Come From Darkness

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A/N: I'd like to personally thank G0ddL355 for the inspiration to continue writing this!

The next morning as your eyes opened, you felt as though you'd been thoroughly beaten. Your hips, your thighs, and your back all ached from the night before. Slowly, you sat up, groaning with the effort it took not to fall back onto the mattress and slip back into oblivion. There were certain things that you needed to take care of, however, and your body wouldn't wait so, with much effort, you pulled yourself out of bed. The trek to the bathroom was hellish on your legs and once you were inside, you gave yourself the once over in the mirror, groaning at the sight. Nearly every inch of skin from your neck down was littered with bites and bruises. Shuddering at the sight, you took care of your business then turned to the large tub. You'd need to bathe after your coupling with Xemnas though you didn't really want to endure the frigid water again. Sighing to yourself, you turned the nozzle for the hot water, praying that he had just been cruel in bathing you. Sure enough after a few moments of frigid water it began to run warmer and eventually grew hot. 

"Damnit all, vampire," you growled inwardly, half expecting him to appear out of nowhere as he often did.

When he did not appear, you adjusted the temperature of the water until it was just right, then stepped under the stream. A sigh of content escaped your lips as you stood under the water. Once you were saturated completely, you began glancing around, looking for soap in any form. A single pale bar sat on the edge of the tub next to the drain plug. Upon picking the thing up, you gave an experimental sniff, out of sheer curiosity. You were disappointed to find that it was just a generic bar of soap with a generic soap smell. As you rubbed the bar over your skin, you couldn't help your mind as it wandered back to last night. The way his skin, his body had felt against yours was forever burned into your mind. Those eyes, so bright and full of passion, had left you breathless with their unworldly glow. You had expected him to wake you with food, or a bite to your neck, or something, anything at all. What you awoke to, however, was an empty bed, leaving you a bit disappointed. You paid it little mind, as you finished scrubbing yourself down. Wanting to be off your feet as soon as possible, you rinsed off then climbed out of the shower, turning it off in the process. Your stomach growled then, and you realized just how hungry you were. The previous night's escapade had drained you of both your mental energy and your physical energy. Deciding he wouldn't mind if he happened to catch you raiding his pantry, especially after he'd made it clear that he wanted you properly fed, you headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in your surroundings. Not only had he dusted off the counters and table, it seems he had gone to the trouble of cleaning up most of the ground floor. The cobwebs that had been there when you'd first arrived were gone and there was even a small fire crackling in the hearth.

"Xemnas?" You called out, hoping he would appear and put your mind at ease.

It was very unlike him to not have food prepared and waiting for you as soon as you woke. You'd made up your mind, first you were going to eat, then you were going to find where he'd run off to. The pantry held different snacks and there was even a box of cereal. Settling for a few of the snack cakes, you moved to sit at the table and devoured the sugary pastries. With your makeshift breakfast gone, you tossed the wrappers into the trash and set out to find the missing silvernette. You started by meandering about the downstairs, checking in all the closets and spare rooms, hoping he was just playing a practical joke on you. When you couldn't find him downstairs, you moved to the second story only to turn up short there as well. That left only one place to search but he'd forbidden you from venturing there. You weighed your options in your mind, he'd probably be very angry with you for disobeying him but on the other hand, he was your only company in the old house and you were getting quite lonely without him. Coming to the conclusion that a little bit of his wrath was well worth finding your long lost companion, you headed to the basement stairs. Carefully, you descended, taking care so that you didn't step on the broken step and send yourself tumbling. 

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