All Alone

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A/N: So because I'm not a total sadist, I decided to keep the hard to read scenes down to one chapter which means this chapter skips around a lot. The scenes jump between Xemnas looking for the reader and the reader herself being victimized by her captor, if you don't feel comfortable reading scenes of extreme abuse and torture then feel free to skip this chapter, a short summary of what happens will be at the beginning of the next chapter.

As Xemnas awoke the next morning and knew something was off. Instead of being greeted by your sweet aroma, his nose was assaulted by the stench of death. In a panic, he leapt from the bed, and began frantically searching for you. If there was one thing he was sure of, it was that he recognized that stench and he prayed he was wrong. When you weren't anywhere to be found, he let a pained cry pass his lips as he fell to his knees. You'd been taken right out from under his nose. Bloody tears streamed down his face as he tried and failed to conjure up his mental image of you. He forced himself to focus until his head hurt and was only able to draw up your face for a moment. What he saw made his blood boil. You were in tears, screaming at an older male whom he recognized as his sire.

"Xehanort!" He growled out through clenched teeth.


You knelt on the stone floor, tears flowing freely down your cheeks.

"Xemnas could never love you, he's a vampire, he feels no emotions. He's just using you," the man who'd taken you prisoner spat in your face.

"You're wrong, he does love me, I know he does," you screamed for what seemed like the hundredth time.

He cackled wickedly and brought himself into your view. In his hand he held a curved blade that looked frighteningly sharp. You shook your head frantically as he brought the blade up to your face before dragging it across your skin. Fresh blood trickled from the wound and you couldn't stop yourself from flinching away from the sadistic bastard.

"Go ahead, scream for your Master, I promise you he can't help you now," he grinned.

Despite his words you cried out, begging Xemnas to come and save you. The cruel vampire cut deep furrows into your skin, laughing maniacally as you screamed yourself hoarse. 

"Please stop," you whimpered.

"Not until you realize just how much of a fool you are for loving Xemnas, he'll never see you the way you see him, you're just a plaything to him," the man snarled before delivering a resounding slap to the side of your face, sending you reeling to the floor in a daze.


Xemnas paced back and forth as he waited for his long time friend to arrive. It had been far too long since he'd last seen the beastly bluenette and to have to call upon him at such a time only added to his fiery rage. If his heart still beat, his blood would be boiling over losing you. Had he stayed awake as he'd originally intended to do, he'd have been able to fend off your kidnapper. It was no use worrying over what-ifs at this point, he just needed the wolf to catch onto your scent and he'd be able to bring you home. There was a loud knock on the front doors, pulling him from his thoughts. As he opened the door to invite the werewolf in, he couldn't help but smile at his old friend.

Darkness is Eternal (Xemnas/Reader{Vampire A/U})Where stories live. Discover now