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Here's part 2


The things that I'm feeling now is not one of the old crush feelings. 

I honestly don't know what to make of this...

He just confessed, but what should I do with this new found information. 

I mean usually, after I confess my undying love for someone we'd end up living happily ever after. 

including the few ups and downs in the process.

But is it safe to say I don't want that?

For the longest, I've taught myself not to want for a relationship and so far I've succeeded in doing that.

I'm fine where I'm at in life, so if he wanted to go somewhere with this, 

I don't think I can I'm sorry.

He made these feelings that I thought had completely disappeared...appear again.

I want to be mad about it, but I just can't, 

Because it's him, 

My feelings at the moment surpass a "Silly Crush"

And I think its the same for him.

Just the thought alone has me shaking in my converses. (but why converses tho???)

Now I'm scared because this could actually go somewhere.

And that has always been a fear of mine that I've kept stuffed inside. (Bars x2)

What is my inexperienced butt supposed to do with a relationship?

but at the same time I'm excited (you sure you, not anxious sweety) 

Trying new things has always been my thing. 

So when an opportunity like this comes, I kinda want to take it. 

So while all this time has passed.

Our friend returns, stopping and removing any trace of the moment from the room. 

I'm pleased but there's a hint of disappointment in my heart.

But him,

He doesn't look the least bit bothered

Shouldn't the fact that I haven't given him a clear answer make him feel some type of way? 

But I guess that's just him. 

No matter how (chaotic) a place is...He's always calm.

Not a single care in the world of his surroundings, 

But why does that make me like him more,

So everything continues as normal. 

Just three (3) friends hanging out. 

Leaving behind the hectic world just for a while.

And it's honestly the greatest feeling in the world. 


Its time to go, 

Time to return to the many responsibilities we left behind for a couple of hours. 

Along with the hateful people and their remarks, 

School and home. 

Time to return to reality.


I finally make it home to get a text from an unknown number. 

Asking if I made it home okay? 

A little cautious (I butchered this word soo bad in my notebook oof)  I reply with a "Who is this?"

I get a quick reply back,

"I hope you don't mind, I got your number from our mutual."

Realization hits me hard. 

It's him, 

for the first time in forever, he texted me first. 

He sends another text 

"So what do you say to my confession?"


Why did I end it like this 

What was I trying to do at this point of time 

I don't know 

Grammarly stopped working for a second, so yall almost had a ranchy update

But anyway here's the second part 

get ready for the next page after this


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