ℙ𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝟝

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Do you not understand the effect you have on me?

The big gaping hole you've left in my heart,

Or how I haven't felt the same since you left?

Its like whenever I think something is good is happening, everything goes bad.

I had just Just realized my feelings for you, but then you pull this crap. 

It literally broke my heart, 

I haven't been the same.

You say that it was your fault the reason why we're not close like we used to be, 

But if you really think about it...

It's my fault 

I was the one who couldn't keep the conversation going, 

It takes two to build a relationship, 

But I failed to do my part,

But I guess it doesn't matter now...

You're gone...For good 

You've moved on to better things

while I'm still stuck in the past. 

I can't let go 

I get too attached so easily 

But its partially your fault too.

I would've been fine with just being friends 

But you made it your plan  to be so sweet to me,

not realizing the effect it had.

But as a good person, I am, I have to understand. 

Even if it means completely breaking me.

But you don't know that, you'll never know 

And that's okay,

I just want you to know...

I miss you.


So there's not much to say on this one 

It pretty much foreshadowed how everything would end and where I'd end up in the process 

because I kinda feel like this now 

but we won't talk about that...


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