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Watching you watching me is one of my favorite past times.

Sitting in your vast backyard as you record me sing and dance around to the blasting music.

Even if I'm way off beat and sound like a sixty-year-old smoker.

You'd continue to smile and laugh along with me.

Even behind the camera, you're enjoying yourself.

Just watching you watching me.

Why is this something we do?

There's no purpose nor reason.

There's no gain no point.


Maybe that's why.

Our life has been filled with doing things for a reason

For always expecting something back,

But what if we didnt wait for the return.

What if it's for just because,

Just watching you watching me

You have files on top of files of videos like the one you're taking.

So many you needed another sd card.

You say you like watching them on your free time.

Or when you feel the world is may swallow you whole.

Watching me be free reminds you that you can be free too.

Just watching you watching me

I sometimes ask you to give me a chance at the camera.

To let me watch you as you watch me

To see what you see,

To feel what you feel,

Think what you think.

You always say no,

But that's fine,

Because then I pull out my phone,

Pull up my camera,

Turn it towards you and,

Watch you watch me watch you.


Again this was not meant to be posted tonight but I had a surge of inspiration 

I couldn't help myself 

I think its cute and a little more happy compared to the other works

would you consider this a poem??? 

I've never really been good with those so hmmm

this didn't come from my notebook but this is a free writing book so yeer


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