Untitled Part 10

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"My hearts stuck" is the only way I can describe this feeling. 

It's stuck between what I wanted and what is good for me. 

I don't want him though. 

I just want the feelings he used to give me. 

I want that feeling of interest and that attention yo used to give me. 

It's sad really.

Thinking about how you're holding me back from moving on when you've probably forgotten about me. 

How you pop up at the worsts times to ruin my thought process. 

My heart is stuck on the way you MADE me feel and I want that back, but I know that ill never get it back. 

That no matter how much I try to forget and move on, you'll always come back like a leech. 

I'm tempted to talk to you again, but is that really a good idea. 

I've moved on from all my past crushes. 

So why can't I move on from you? 


This was really short, but I felt the need to post something. 

I'm honestly so tired and uninspired these days

I tried working with different things to get myself back up

I have like two works in my drafts that may never see the light. 

I don't know what's wrong but hopefully, something gives. 


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