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  I left today. Fury would be picking me up in one of the many SHIELD jets and then we'd be off to Germany. I had my bag in hand and got in the elevator. Was I nervous? Sure, I had no reason to be but there'd probably be a large chance that I'd be killed. I didn't really want to die, but I wanted to go. Anywhere but here.

  The jet came an hour later and Fury got me up to speed. We had a long plane ride, around nine hours. I would be staying in a safe house with two other SHIELD agents whom I've never met. Greaaaaat. That's exactly what I want to do, live with two strangers. Sounds like a blast.

  This plane ride was really boring. There was nothing to do. No books, no movies, literally nothing. I sat there tapping my foot for what seemed like hours when Fury finally gave me a look that couldn't have been a good one. I stopped tapping and returned his gaze to a file that he was very interested in.

  "Whatcha reading?"

  "Background checks."

  "Ooh, on who?"

  "That's confidential."

  "That's a big word. Just say it's a secret."

  "It's a secret."


  "You aren't qualified to read this."


  "Because you've been on the team for a week. I can't trust you yet."

  "That's hurtful.

  He decided not to answer me and I think that was a wise decision. I was a very annoying person. Very annoying. I wouldn't want to hear me talk either, so I don't blame him. There was nothing to do in here. I couldn't walk around, he's making me wear a seatbelt.

  Oh yeah! I have to follow all of his super strict rules. You don't have to wear a seatbelt on regular planes. Why is he making me wear one? I'm older than him, shouldn't I be calling the shots around here? I can't be out past eleven, I can't leave without security, like... wow. That's a bit unnecessary, don't you think?

  I'm super responsible, I don't need to be babysat. It's six whole months of this torture. I'm not even there yet and I can tell that I'll hate it. I'll probably not even know what'll be going on. I barely speak German, only enough to get around. That might be an issue.

  Only three hours left of this torturous flight. It was rough, I didn't know if I could last that long. My foot began tapping again and I could tell Fury was getting pissed off again. What else did he want me to do? I have so much energy that I need to burn. I didn't train at all today, which is new to me.

  Usually I train every day, at least once, to tire myself out so I don't annoy everyone to death. I had things to do this morning so I was unable to. That means I'm going to be extra antsy and annoying. And, I usually train for two hours. It takes alot to make me tired because of all the serum they injected me with.

  I just had to last two hours. Two. Just one training session length. I could do that. I wouldn't go insane. Or drive anyone else insane. Nobody's jumped off the plane yet, I think they'll be fine. Germany, here I come.

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