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  I wanted to get some water but I heard everyone cheer and shout which meant Athena probably just got here. I could go now and try to avoid them, but they're going to be focused on the kitchen and getting her drinks. I'll wait a few minutes, or hours, whichever feels right. I had to try my best not to be seen by anyone tonight. Usualy I have a water bottle in my room but I forgot to refill it before I locked myself in for the night. I am my own worst enemy it seems like.

  I ended up waiting like, two or so hours. They should be drunk enough to not notice me for a while, right? All I wanted was some water, was that so much to ask for? Why weren't the going to go do something? Tony literally owns a casino down the road. They should all go there, leave me the floor to myself. No, now I'm going to have to put on an act, and I failed drama in the tenth grade. It was no or never.

  I opened my bedroom door silently, thank god it didn't creak. I tip-toed to the kitchen where the light was already turned on so I didn't have to owrry about them thinking there was a ghost or something. I saw the glasses and I saw the water dispenser. I just had to get from point a to point b and abck to my room, point c, I guess.

"Nik!! Come here, I have someone here for you to meet." Damn it!

"What?" I walked over to the group of drunken adults.

"This is my sister, Athena," Tony said.

"Nice to meet you, and I can introduce myself Tony," I shook her hand.

"Nikita," I said.

"Nik," Clint said disapprovingly.

"Hi, my name's Niktia Romanova. SUCH a pleasure," I shot him a dirty look, Athena laughed a little.

"Where are you from?"

"Volgograd, it's in Russia. What about you?"

"New York. Tony and I never really moved from where we grew up."

"Are you guys twins?"

"We are, are you and Nat?"

"She's actually 12 years older."

"Wow, I guess she aged well then."

"Ha, yeah I guess. She acts younger."

"I can see that happening."

"God, Natalia, are you drunk?" I asked my sister.

"Whaaaaaaat? Nooo," Nat mumbled.

"Get yourself together."

"Whatever you say bossssssss."

  I smiled and said goodnight to everyone and grabbed my water. I don't think that went terribly. I wish it didn't happenn at all, but if we keep running into eachother at the tower, ot would seem less suspicious if we got caught "hanging out." I personally didn't want to do this whole sniper lessons thing, but something in Natalia's eyes really wanted me to. I could tell that this was something she needed me to do for her. And besides, she's the only reason I'm not still in Sokovia, well, whatever is left of that place anyway.

  I owed her this at least. She convinced Tony to let me stay here, took care of me, took me shopping for American clothes, taught me everything I needed to know about the country. She helped me train and learn my way around this place. I guess I kind of took her for granted during the time I was here. I was mad at her for 75% of it, but I think I need to cool it.

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