Chapter 1

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Taylor is a girls' basketball team captain. She has dreams of being an international basketball player someday. But she is a realist she knows it's going to take some time to get there and she cannot depend on it just that. She lives in a country where sports is a hobby and not a career, so she has her 80% focus on her books especially now that she will be doing her last year in school next year.

She is worried about her woman being. Something just doesn't add up. But she pushes it at the back of her mind, 'don't overthink it over and over again. You probably just freaking out.' It's normal to skip a month or two.

But deep down she is scared, what if what she fear is what is happening. And the first thing to come to mind is what chained us all... 'what will they say? How will I live a normal life again?' "But what if it's just my imagination..."

But she has to find out...
She tries to gather all her courage and buy a pregnancy test to find out. But she is scared, scared someone knowing she is probably pregnant at her age already. 'But what if am buying for a friend or someone else?' No, humans rarely think in that way... you are buying it for yourself, that is the human mentality.
We cannot blame us, it's human nature to be curious and conclude what we cannot prove, but that doesn't change the fact that someone is probably buying something for a friend, does it?

She is confused, and inches away from depressed. But she is lucky, she has a friend who she can send to buy her one, Lylie. For, Lylie's main focus is to help her find out whether she is pregnant or not, so what people think of her doesn't matter now. And so she goes and brings it to her but she too cannot  deny the fact that she is scared thier hypothesis is true.

Taylor looks at her friend, she looks at her friend with eyes full of fear and gratitude of what she has just done for her. And Lylie nods as to acknowledge her approval of what she has to do pushing aside her friends all time grateful persona.

So she makes her way to the toilets at the public park where they were seated. This is cos the whole idea of her doing it at home scared the hell out of her...

After what seemed like decades Lylie found herself pacing outside the toilet door. Not really sure weather to kick the door open and comfort her or just let her have her time to cry it all out... well not all, pain ain't water with salt content in it, but well it makes it feel that way. Lylie already knew the answer cos Tylor ain't that type of person who will stress over a small problem.

As it starts to dusk, Lylie pushed the door ajar, which was kinda suprising that Taylor didn't lock it, and it broke her heart to see the courageous Tylor on the public toilet floor in tears. But something was bothering her and her personal fear evaded her head... 'Who?'

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