Chapter 21

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Dalan's POV

It's been a day since I officially became a fucking dad to a little soldier. It's a fucking Boy guys, just what I wanted. The joy I feel can not be contained. So am even too dazed to come up with a name. Yeah I had a list of possible names but non of them is worth to be a username for a Prince like him. All the other relatives be calling him The Prince lately and saying all those wishful names and what not.

Even though my boss asked me to stay home and be with my son for sometime, I went to work today. I needed to hear his advice on what to consider when naming my son. Cos seriously, am not sure anymore. I thought I was but aaha. So I pop up at work and he turns to look at me in confusion like," Didn't you say she brought a boy?"
"Yeah she did. Just need your perspective of what to consider when naming a child. And while am here, working won't be a burden."
He looks at me with eyes I couldn't really make out if they where filled with sorrow or amusement.

After like three hours of our conversation I get to know him a little deeper. He apparently happen to be incapable of bringing a being into this world. As to how he got the that conclusion I didn't question. That came after me applauding him of being a farther I never had. He went on to talk about how he had affairs that he had to end to save himself from the dilemma of being left alone cos of his incapability.
"What if they where willing to stay despite the assumptions? Not all people are that heartless." That was the finishing line that turned the whole day around.

So am here packing already packed stuff on the shelves trying to pass time. This man wouldn't say a fucking word. He won't even look at me.
"Quit it. Take a rest and find a name." That took me by surprise. I awkwardly walk to a chair and take a sit as I take out my phone and start surfing the net.

It wasn't long before home o'clock. Out of awkwardness I asked if he can come pay my son a visit. He looks at me with the same damn eyes he looked at me with earlier today and am like...Ok thank you for fucking up again Dalan. And he like, "Text me the address." Like am literally blinking at the speed of light like, what just transpired here??
"O-ok cool. Aul."

Taylor's house is full of people like idk what just happened. Some of this stupid hoes use to laugh behind her back at her and make fun of her when she was pregnant and now they pulling their fake asses here like they like her. Doesn't Bollywood need actresses. Hollywood wouldn't even bother.
I get in through the back door and go to Tady's room instead. Pop out my phone and play some games.

After like a hour or so. I can hear the faded voices in the dinning room. Optimistic that most of the people went I go outside. On my way out I bump into Taylor. "The fuck son. You have been here this whole time?"
"Not really. An hour or so. You look beautiful." She truly does. Her black shiny hair in a my mess, and she is putting on her white pj with navy blue poker dots accompanied by her blankets for socks. I was just staring at her not taking into consideration that she was talking until she hits me hard on the head. "Stupid Idiot. Am a mother Bonehead not some teenager you pick up with cheesy lines." She looked offended. I reached for her hand when she tried to move away and pulled her closer to me. Cupped her cheeks and gently kiss her lips. Not so sure what happened, as expected, she didn't kiss me back.  "I always loved you. I was just a coward too afraid to ask you out. Your personality scared the hell out of me back then." And then she put her head on my chest and sobbed.

After placing her on her bed.  I took  hair ties and tied her hair into two puffs. "Those are my favourite." She says with a smile battling to appear on her lips. "I love them on you too."
"Stop being cheesy, am serious."
"Am serious too."
After a while,
"That was my first kiss." She says holding her face with her pretty long fingers.
"Am sorry it had to happen in such an order Kwafa."
"It's fine Daisuki." She says jumping from the bed toward the entrance. Who the fuck told her that name?!

Guys, Ladies are backstabbers. "I swear, that lady be your mom now. I disown her." I scream at her.
And when I turn to look at my son, a picture of my mom and Taylor in her Jeep after sunset. "Son, welcome to the battle field. You join uncle Tady and Daddy. This ladies ain't on our team." And then the phone vibrates, Lylie walks in and take the baby from me. I check my phone and went to get my father figure from the gate...

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