Chapter 22

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Dalan's POV

Everyone is sitted around around a dinner table in Taylor's them house. It's a cute thing to have the whole four plus family gathered by a small thing such as an baby that came as a result of ones foolishness and coward traits. I see Tay and Lee's mom talking all friend like old time friends.

I watch Tay's dad and Mr Avan (my boss) talking idk what and chuckling at it softly. And then there are the quadruplets. Tay Lee and Tady. All fully absorbed in thier little bundle if joy.
"His name is Khalil Peterson."
I announce out of nowhere.
Everyone stops and looks at me. "His name is Khalil Peterson Jonhson ."
"Well young man, so it is. Khalil Peterson Johnson." Taylor's father affirms. And the house calls for a coffee toast. "Cheers to new beginnings. May he be a good man as his Father." Taylor's mother adds. "May he have a good heart  and a free spirit like the mother."
Adds Dalan's Mom. "May he be a happy man." Mr Avan adds. All eyes where on the quadruplets to say thier wishes for the baby. " You'll don't expect us just to say one wish and that's it!?" Lee says looking at the adults like they out of their minds. "Unless you want to spend today and tomorrow here listening." She adds.
"May he have the other mother's attitude." I say surrendering to our dead expectation. Family laughs it off and the night goes on.

After some while, I go outside and join Mt Avan who has been sitting on the benches outside for like half an hour. I could tell he was uncomfortable back in and him and my mom where stealing looks.
"Mr Avan, you alright?"
"Yeah, am fine. "
"You sure?"
"Positive. "
"I could see you and my mom..."
"What's her name?"
And am in for interrogation about my past that I don't even fully know.

The house is becoming more silent. But the moon is Soo beautiful to look at as it rises from the hills protruding far east. It's getting kinda chilly and I go inside and to get a sweater. I find my mom laying on Taylor's laps as she pats her temple. She looks at me and I can tell there is sadness in her eyes. She probably told Tay the whole story of her past or something. So I brush it off.
"What is his name?"
Ok, that struck me. Now they are asking me each other's names.
"Mr Avan Mariano."
She looks at Tay and I raise my eyebrow like, ok.
"Do you have one of my sweater?"
"Check in the wardrobe, middle section."

"She asked for your name." I told Mr Avan after like ten minutes of sitting there after getting my sweater.
"Where is she?"
"With Taylor in her room."
"Lead the way."
So am looking at this man like, broo u up to exactly?
As asked I lead the way.
We reach the room and he like, could you two give us some time? Confused, nope, this is a whole lotta new level of awkwardness.

So Tay and I move out. Tay on the other hand seem to get what is going on. "Sup?"
She looks at me like with her  puppy eyes, damn her eyes. "Free hugs tonight." She says opening her arms to me. Opportunities only come once in lifetime. She would not let me hug her when she was pregnant. She will not even let me touch her body unless otherwise her hand. Apparently am doing it out of pity. But she will let Tady be the bear. The hugs, the leaning in, I must admit I was jelous. So her offering me a hug. Let me be her baby for tonight.

It was past twelve when my mom called Tay and I back in. She. Was. Crying. And his shirt is soaked in her tears.
"Emm. The fuck exactly is happening?"
" He is your Father Dee. Mr Avan is Your biological father."

I seriously don't know how I feel right now. I feel lost but I also feel found. I feel kind of happy but it's not showing on the outside. I feel like screaming so someone can maybe wake me up from this dream but again I want it to be the truth. I feel weak sort of jelly like but am sure I have bones cos am literally like a statue right now. I want to ask questions but I know the answers already. So am just staring at my parents like...

I didn't see it happen. Taylor's lips are on mine. Her hair taking my parents out of my vision's reach. I finally regain my sense.
"Well bonehead your son is crying, bring him Tady's room in his cot." She says packing some of the babies stuff.
"No Tay. We will be leaving now. My grandson is my priority." Maa says.
Tay looks at Maa like, seriously? And Maa be like Wakanda forever. My dad "apparently" and I look at each other like, psycho Queens outea.

As they make their way out, am like,
" Maa You have an essay to present when we meet."
My dad "apparently" says "Aul be the spokesperson."

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