Chapter 19

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Taylor's POV

Am I happy am done with this year's final exams!? Hell yeah, not that I hate school necessarily, it's just that if feels like you are in a confided place and teachers just pile their stupid books and a test on you and you like have to get to the top of like a two meters deep pit. I mean you get it right. I don't like school like that well but I don't hate it either. I just dislike exams deeply.

So am home applying lotion on my skin and feeling it dissappear into my skin. But for real now, we also not loving to ourselves. You just put cream on your body and it decides to go explore your body and you cool with it? Like!?!?

And then it hits me... We talking about the three weeks before I get to bring someone on earth. I've seen in movies how it happens and the pain seems unbearable. I just hope they exaggerate that part for real. But no one ever said it was easy so it's surely must be painful but it's worth it.
So I sit Indian style on my bed and Pat my belly.
"If it's for you aul do it. I know it's worth it."

Should I prolly ask my mom about it? Naah, lady be all  low profile and shit. Ain't bothering her. But I need her. I like need her the most now. I wish I can call her Mamai again and she looks at me with eyes full of love as her words say otherwise like. She is reserved but her eyes never lie. And now all I get are pity looks that burns with a desire to reach out and help but she cannot be strong enough to not break down as she gets to me. I wouldn't want her to cry for me either but... I miss her. If only she....

*Phone rings*
_new private number_

"Aamm, hello?"
"Hi, is this Taylor?"
"Will you be busy today? Like around quarter to five?"
"Umm, depends on who is asking. Who am I speaking to?"
"It's Dalan's mother."
So I clear my throat and proceed,"S-sure, quarter to five it is. Where exactly?"
"Walls got ears but my car doesn't. Dalan had kept me at arm's length, so I don't want him to know. How about we just drive around?"
" That will be fine too I guess."

Here is the thing. Dalan never spoke about his mom as some cool parent or what not. All I ever heard him say was that she slept with a random man and got pregnant with him.
And then she pops up when I most needed someone to talk to. Not that aul just start talking like a crazy bitch. But I mean am grateful she popped up.

Time flies, it's 15H00s and she sends me a reminder that I should start getting ready. Sweet hey... The level of love am drowning in currently. Feeling myself. An then she says I should dress warmly. God, where has this angel been. Dalan is a devil I swear.

Five minutes before time a black Jeep with purple outlines. Am fucking stunned you. So am just there looking at it in awe standing in the doorway with my jaw dropped. Like is this some type of sick joke or dream. And then the top class lady steps out of her Jeep and hugs me. You know you've been warned about kidnapping neh. There is alot going on in my brain right now.
"Am not sure what is going on in your head right now but can we go? Or you maybe changed your mind?"
"Am coming with you. I must admit am dazed."

So the whole dazed drama pulled of after like a 5 minutes drive.
"You fine here or you prefer going on the back sits?"
"Back sits will do I should admit?" And then I hop to the back sits. Obviously I take the seat where she cannot see me through the middle mirror.

"As cringe as it may sound, you can be just you around me. Like just ease up. I won't be questioning you about what happened and how you two meet and stuff. I just want to get to know you. Dalan has been speaking about you being more decent and kind than me. I just want to know that person too."
Am all smiles. Not that Dalan probably exaggerated about me but that this lady just want to know someone truly  themselves before concluding on them. Sort of my style.

I must admit it was lovely meeting her. My thirst for all the stuff I wanted to know where answered. How childbirth is really. Why Dalan leaves alone in a middle class house while the mom is high class. And yeah... Daisuki. Couldn't stop laughing when I heard that was his name. But when I heard the story behind it. I cried. It's heart warming and human. But to why the dad never checked up on them. Am in awe for his side of the story.

Walking into the house at like half to 9 am preparing what to tell my mom.
"How was she?" My mom asks.
And am fucking confused.
"She was fine." I say not so sure what to say.
"She informed me, am proud of her must admit." She says.
And then it was my turn to just cry. She just layed her loving eyes on me...
I have my mom back and another mom again in one day...

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