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"Paige for the love of god drive faster! we're gonna miss him!" Lilia basically shouts to the other girl. They were on their way to say goodbye to their best friend Zach who's moving to LA to pursue his dreams. The girls couldn't be prouder of him.

"Lilia calm down we have a good thirty minutes till he boards and we're two minutes away," Paige pushes the girl back in her seat.

"I just don't want to miss him. This is gonna be the last time we see him for a while," Lilia mumbles as Paige pulls into the parking garage. Emily hasn't said a word the entire car ride, too nervous about Zach leaving. The girls rush out of the car and into the airport, wearing their way through the crowds. The girls made sure that they were all together on the way to Zach's gate. Lilia suddenly sprints away from the other two girls making them stop in their tracks.

"Where is she- oh," Paige cuts herself off when she notices Lilia practically tackle the boy. Paige grabs Emily and pulls her over to Zach and Lilia who were quietly talking. Well, they were until Emily got closer. "Oh my god I'm gonna miss you so much," Paige mutters while pulling Zach into a tight hug.

"I'll visit as much as I can along with calling and texting you guys," Zach replies, hugging Paige back tightly. Emily bites her lip lightly and stares at her shoes. She has a sinking feeling that this is the end of their friendship with Zach.

"Emily, tell him," Lilia murmurs as Zach and Paige talk. Emily looks up and shakes her head immediately.

"There's no point, he's leaving Lilia. He'll forget about us," Emily replies quietly. Lilia rolls her eyes before hitting Emily on the back of the head. "Ow, what the fuck?"

"He's not gonna forget us," Lilia responds before pushing Emily over to Zach. She stumbles slightly before finding her balance. She notices Lilia and Paige had gone over to Zach's family, leaving the two alone. Zach quickly pulls the girl into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Z," Emily whispers, tightly holding onto the boy. "You're gonna be a pop star. And in a band."

"I'm gonna miss you so much Em," Zach mumbles, squeezing her tighter. "I'll visit as soon as I can." Emily just nods slightly, not believing his words in the slightest. Zach notices and pulls her back so he can see her face. "I will."

"I'm sure you will try," Emily answers causing Zach to frown. He goes to argue but Emily just holds her hand up to stop him. "Just promise me you're not gonna leave me. Not like leave physically because I know you have to do that but just don't forget about me please?"

"I could never," Zach responds, wiping the tears that started streaming down Emily's face. "How could I forget the first girl I fell in love with?"

"Yeah but- wait," Emily slowly processes the words. "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

"Yup," He simply replies. Emily raises her hand and his him on the chest softly. "OW, what was that for?"

"For not telling me sooner you asshole," She grumbles, folding her arms in front of her. "Jesus Christ Zach you're moving. Why did you think that was a good idea to tell me now?"

"You deserved to know," He shrugs slightly.

"But we can't do anything about it now Zach. You're leaving. You're following your dreams," Emily sighs. "God I love you too."

"You do?" Zach has to double check, thinking he heard wrong. Emily nods silently causing a grin to spread across Zach's face. "Long distance?"

"Zach you can't focus on me right now. You need to get on that plane, go to LA and make your dreams come true. I will always be here but I want you to be in a place where I won't hold you back," Emily struggles to say. She really doesn't want to say it but unfortunately, she has to. Zach sighs softly before gaining a contemplating look on his face. He suddenly grabs her face, kissing her. Emily stands still for a second before kissing him back. They break apart breathlessly and Emily refuses to open her eyes. "What was that for?"

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