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"Emily?" Caroline calls out from the kitchen. Emily gets up from her spot on the couch, walking closer to her little sister. She stands in the doorway to see her little sister surrounded by dry brownie mix.

"What did you do?" Emily giggles, motioning to the mess with one hand. Caroline looks around her in shock.

"I don't know how I did this?" Caroline mumbles. "Help." Emily grabs the broom and dustpan, beginning to sweep the powder off of the floor. "I'm gonna change."

"Don't track the stuff around the house," Emily mutters, sweeping the last of it into the pan. She empties it in the trash before taking a wet wipe and wiping down the rest of the counter. "Do you want me to bring you to a bakery or something?"

"No I was just bored," Caroline yells from her room. Emily shakes her head before returning to her spot on the couch. She opens Instagram and starts reading comments from her most recent post. She notices a lot of limelights are in the comments, freaking out about something. That's when she sees it.

imzachherron liked your post

imzachherron commented : 💕

She almost drops her phone in shock. What in the actual fuck? She quickly exits the app, not wanting to look at her notifications anymore. She quickly taps on FaceTime and presses Lilia's contact. They connect in seconds, Paige next to her. They both have guilty smiles on making Emily more nervous if possible.

"What did you do?" Emily demands, her hands shaking slightly.

"Uh so... the why don't we boys know about us, we talked to Zach and we love you?" Lilia answers, her smile widening slightly.

"What happened?" Emily asks, moving into her bedroom quickly. She didn't want Caroline to hear this because she was really close to Zach as well.

"Um, so the boys wanted the full story on what happened so Jack called us and we told them our parts of the story and told them that only you have the other side. Zach wasn't there till the end but we were very mean to him don't you worry," Paige explains.

"Fuck," Emily whispers, running her fingers through her hair. The girls stay silent, not knowing what to say. "Goddammit."

"Alright, we need to distract you," Lilia decides, standing up and moving into her house. Paige follows her curiously.

"What are we gonna do?" Emily sighs. She knows they're gonna force her to do it no matter what so it's pointless to put up a fight.

"Is Caroline home?" Paige asks, ignoring Emily's questions for the time being.

"Yeah, why?" Emily answers, ruffling her hair slightly.

"Tell her to get her camera. We're doing a photo shoot," Lilia cheers causing Emily to groan.

"But that means I have to look presentable," Emily whines, falling back onto her bed. The girls both roll their eyes at this statement.

"Just do it," Paige mumbles before hanging up the call. Emily stares at the screen in shock. Grudgingly, she gets up and moves towards her sister's room. She doesn't even bother knocking, just walks in and flops onto the bed next to Caroline.

"Yes?" Caroline laughs at the sight of her sister. Emily lifts her head, resting it on her palm.

"Get your camera, apparently I'm being forced into a photo shoot," Emily grumbles before rolling off of the bed and standing up. Caroline doesn't question it just stands and starts gathering her equipment. Caroline loves photography which comes in handy for the girls. Caroline is always up to do photo shoots with the girls.

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