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"EMILY HOPE MATTHEWS COME PICK ME UP RIGHT NOW!!" Lilia screams over the phone as soon as Emily picks up. The girl winces, pulling the device from her ear for a second. "It's important."

"I'm on my way," Emily sighs, hanging up the phone. She slowly gets out of bed, gathering her keys and phone. She heads downstairs passing by her sister Caroline's room along the way. "I'm heading out."

"Okay, don't die," Her sister replies causing Emily to laugh. She jumps into her car and speeds over to Lilia's. Pulling up, she notices both Paige and Lilia outside looking thoroughly freaked out. Emily is quick to park the car before hopping out and over to the duo.

"What happened?" She questions with her arms raised. Lilia almost tackles her to the ground, shaking Emily's shoulders aggressively. The two start shouting over each other. Emily holds her hands up signaling the girls to stop. "Lilia, tell me."

"Jack Avery commented on my picture and liked it," She rushed out with wide eyes. Emily almost falls over from shock. She backs up till her back hits the car, slowly sliding down it.

"Do you think Zach said something about us to his band?" She whispers, staring at the two girls who kneel before her. They both shrug in response. Emily has a bad feeling about this and is about to voice this but Lilia speaks first.

"Jack just dmed me," Lilia cuts in, gaping at her phone in shock. There's a moment of silence before they all gather around the phone. Lilia clicks on the chat hesitantly.

jackaverymusic: Hey! I came across your videos recently and just wanted to let you know I'm a big fan!

"What do I say?" Lilia freaks, shaking her phone slightly. Emily takes the device from her, typing out a response for her.

liliahart01: Oh wow, I've been supporting you for years. This is so surreal! thanks for enjoying my shitty content I guess!

liliahart01: I'm curious though, how did you find my channel? I don't have a large following or anything so

They get a response almost instantly.

jackaverymusic: one of my bandmates is following the three of you and I was curious so I checked you guys out

jackaverymusic: the four of you are actually all from the same town in Texas so you might've gone to school with him, well at least Emily would've

"Shit," Emily whispers, dropping the phone onto the grass below her. She runs her fingers through her hair, muttering curses underneath her breath. "I have to go."

"Wait, Emily," Paige stands up with the other girl who doesn't look too good.

"I have to go home, I just- I can't be here," Emily mumbles before running over to her car and getting away. She speeds away leaving Paige and Lilia to stare at the retreating vehicle. Lilia reaches down and picks up her phone to read the messages.

"Motherfucker," Lilia mumbles before responding to Jack.

liliahart01: yeah Zach used to be our best friend. He dropped us when he moved to LA.

jackaverymusic: wait, what?

liliahart01: ask him about us. more importantly, ask him about Emily. The first girl he supposedly fell in love with.

"What happened?" Paige cluelessly asks. Lilia passes her phone over silently. She might've been rude to Jack but she couldn't help it. Zach hurt the three girls badly. Paige passes her phone back and the two sit in silence, watching the sunset together.

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