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Kay watches as Emily walks away, towards the Gucci store with tears streaming down her face. She also sees Zach in the corridor Emily just walked out of, a heartbroken look on his face. He has tears pouring out of his eyes uncontrollably. Kay watches as he uses his forearm to muffle a sob and frowns. She walks over to him, a small knowing smile on her face. He jumps when she touches his back, quickly wiping the tears away.

"We need to break up," Kay says while rubbing his back softly.

"Why?" He whispers even though he knows exactly why.

"Because you love her and she loves you. I'm not gonna come between that," Kay responds, a small smile on her face. "You guys have loved each other since you were born. You're like the definition of soulmates. You need her."

"She doesn't love me though. I broke her," Zach mumbles, tears pouring out once again.

"Zach she loves you. I can see it. Everyone can see it. You might've broken her but you can fix her. Go get your girl," Kay replies, pushing him slightly at the end.

"No, I can't just walk back into their lives and out of yours," Zach sighs, shaking his head.

"Yes, you can. You just did," Kay rolls her eyes before pushing Zach again. "I'll be fine. Just do me a favor and go get her before you lose her again."

"I- you're amazing Kay, thank you," Zach says, pulling her into a hug.

"I know I am. Now go, if you need me you have my number," Kay grins before letting go of him and turning around.

"Wait, how do I get her?" Zach asks. "She doesn't trust me."

"Make her trust you," Kay responds. "And buy her something, flowers, teddy bear, chocolate, jewelry, anything."

"I can do that. Thank you again, Kay," Zach murmurs with a slight smile.

"No problem now for the last time go!" Kay exclaims causing Zach to laugh and race out of the corridor. He rushes into the stores he knows Emily loves.

Meanwhile, Emily was trying to make everything seem as normal as possible. When she left Zach, she went into a bathroom and cleaned herself up so she looks as good as new. She didn't get too close to Lilia or Paige because they would know something was wrong immediately. She was mostly arguing with the boys.

"Daniel stop it," She hisses as he once again tugs on a strand of her hair. It was up in a ponytail so when he tugs it, it becomes very uncomfortable. Daniel being the little shit that he is does it again. "I'm leaving, goodbye."

"Aww," Daniel whines causing Emily to roll her eyes. She looks around the group and notices Kay is missing. Well, Zach is too but she has an idea of why he isn't here. Suddenly, she sees Kay walk over with a grin on her face.

"Wanna get Starbucks with me?" Kay asks, pointing over her shoulder to a Starbucks stand. Emily nods and the two take off in silence. They both order their drinks and stand off to the side waiting. Emily's drink comes first and Kay decides to break the silence as Emily takes a sip of her drink. "Zach and I broke up."

"You what?" Emily manages to get out between her coughs from choking on her drink. Kay giggles slightly before repeating herself. "Why?"

"Because he loves someone else and I don't want to get in the way of their happiness," Kay responds with a big smile on.

"You don't seem upset about it," Emily mumbles, setting her drink down in front of her. Kay's drink is slid out in front of them at that moment.

"I'm okay. They deserve each other and they'll make each other happier than they've ever been," Kay replies, poking her straw into the cup.

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