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The girls landed in LA at 2 am. To say they were exhausted would be an understatement. They headed straight for their hotel, knocking out once their heads hit the pillows. It was now 10 am and Emily was the only one still asleep. The girls don't bother waking her up, knowing they will regret it if they try. Lilia had texted Jack as soon as they woke up so now the boys were on their way over here.

"We should get changed," Lilia quietly says, slipping out from underneath the covers. She opens her suitcase and throws on a random outfit while Paige does the same. At that moment Jack texts Lilia to tell her that they're there. The girls slip out, making sure to grab a key with them. They head downstairs, half asleep and almost immediately set eyes on the boys.

"Hey, Emily's still asleep," Paige greets them. The girls take quick notice of two girls with the boys. They recognize Christina but they don't know the blonde.

"Sounds like Emily, and you have brown hair" Zach smiles slightly, motioning towards Paige.

"Yeah, I've had it for about a year, thanks for noticing," Paige replies, not amused.

Zach notices the girls looking at the blonde and decides to get the blow-up over with. "This is Kay... my girlfriend."

"Zachary Dean Herron, I'm going to kill you," Lilia all but growls, dragging Zach away by the ear. Paige stays behind to distract the others. "Why didn't you tell me this BEFORE we flew to LA?"

"Because you wouldn't have come if you knew," Zach winces, holding his ear.

"Fuck yeah we wouldn't have. Zach, I get that you forgot about us or whatever but we didn't. Why would you bring her here?" Lilia glares at him. He flinches slightly at her words but doesn't deny anything.

"I just thought it might be a good idea? I don't know," Zach admits, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, Zach that's a fantastic idea! Bring your new girlfriend to meet the girl you abandoned after kissing her and telling her that you loved her! God, I don't even know why Emily still loves you after all of these years," Lilia basically shouts. The group is too far away to hear her but the people around them gave them stares.

"She what?" Zach whispers in shock.

"Yeah Zach, you heard me. She still is in love with you even though you are a terrible excuse for a human being. You were her first and only kiss. And now you're back. After two years. With your new girlfriend," Lilia responds, venom dripping from her words. "This was a terrible idea. Zach, you need to go home with your girlfriend and we need to go back to Texas."

"Wait, Lilia, I need to fix this," Zach pleads stopping the girl. Lilia turns on her heel and looks straight into his eyes.

"You need to fix this? You don't need to do anything Zach. You've made it abundantly clear that we are nothing to you. If you actually wanted to fix things you would've. On your own. Not because your bandmates called us. So if you "need" to fix this then just leave us alone, we know how good you are at that," Lilia says coldly. She then turns and grabs Paige by the arm, dragging her away from her conversation with the group. Before the two can make it to the elevator, they're stopped. "Zach I swear to-"

"Are you guys okay?" Christina asks, worry evident in her eyes. Paige still has no idea while Lilia is on the verge of tears. Lilia just shakes her head no before sliding down the wall behind her. Jack and Christina flank her sides while Corbyn crouches down in front of her. "Paige? can you make sure they don't come over here?"

"Yeah, of course. Call if you need me," Paige mumbles before walking over to the other four.

"What happened?" Jack asks, wrapping his arm around Lilia.

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