1. Ice Skating

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Violets POV

"Come on Vi! It's over here" Clementine said as she started to run towards the booth of the ice skating rink with Louis and the rest of the group following behind.

This is my first ice skating. I'll probably just bust my ass half of the time I'm here.

"Don't worry Vi, it'll be fun" Louis patted me on the back, trying to encourage me.

"Sure, but if I break something while I'm out there, you guys are dead" I glare at him and he holds his hands up in defense.

"If you die, I will gladly play 'fireflies' at your funeral and start default dancing next to your casket"

"No, I want you to play 'whatcha say' instead, that's way better. And then when you get to the part say 'mhmm whatcha say' while falling dramatically to the ground"

"How about both songs mashed up together, then I'll fall and then I'll get up and do the default dance?" He asks.

"Yeah, gladly do that"

We make our way up to where Clem is already. She's standing there with bright eyes and a big smile on her face, jumping up and down a little.

"Uhm Clem, are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm just really excited because I get to spend time with my friends, and especially you" she smiles and looks into my eyes.

I smile and hide my face in my sleeve so she can't my blushed cheeks.

"Come on, we're gonna have fun Vi, I bet you'll have a lot of fun" she says.

"We're just gonna have to see how it goes"

We all pay for our way in and the skates that we wear.

I look over and see everyone ready to go. I'm still having trouble tying my laces.

"Here, let me help you Vi" she bends down to my skates and ties the laces for me.

"Thanks Clem"

"Anytime" she winks at me.

I feel my heart explode. She never really winks at me. Only if she's playing around or something.

We step out on the ice and the group spreads out.

Marlon and Brody go there separate ways. Ruby and Aasim do the same. Willy and Mitch hang out behind Ruby and Aasim. And Louis and James goes there own ways.

That leads me to be left with Clem.

I step out on the ice and I almost fall flat on my face.

"Here Vi, I've got you"

"No it's fine, I've got it" I try moving but I almost fall again.

She catches me before I fall. "Nope, you need help, have you never been ice skating before?"

I shake my head. "Nope"

She smiles at me and takes my hand in hers. I look down at it and heat starts to rise from my neck.

"Let me at least help you and teach you, if that's okay with you" She says.

"Uh..yeah that's fine, sure, cool..." I try to play it off but that completely fails.

She giggles at me and guides me to the railing on the sides. "Here, hold on to the railing until you feel comfortable enough"

"Isn't this stuff for children" I ask.

"Yeah, but it also helps you learn and get better, trust me Vi"

I nod. "Okay, don't let go"

"Oh don't worry, I won't"

15 minutes later

"There you go Vi, your doing it"

Clem was still holding on to my hand but half of the time I either fell over or leaned on Clem which made me even more flustered than I already was.

"Now how about be lift off of the railing and try it out here a little bit?"

I gulped. "Uh sure, yeah we can try"

I lift off of the railing. Clem still held my hand in the process.

We skate a little towards the middle but not too far.

"See Vi, it isn't that bad" she smiles.

"Yeah, I'm kinda getting the hang of it"

"You'll be better than everyone in no time"

I skate a little until I accidentally stop, I almost fly forward but Clem spun me around and caught me.

"I gotcha" she looks me in the eyes and holds me by the waist.

"You are pretty clumsy, besides the point of you being pretty" she giggles.

I blush at the comment and stand up straight, almost falling over again in the process.

"Yeah, I can be clumsy at times"

"You two look like your having fun" Louis skates up behind us, hand in hand with James.

"I'm just teaching Vi how to skate properly, she's getting better minute after minute, besides the countless times of falling on her ass"

Louis and James laugh.

"Well that's Vi for you" Marlon said coming up behind us too.

"You guys ready too go?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's fucking freezing in here" I say.

After we get out of the rink and take our skates back. We head out to the cars.

Marlon, Brody, Louis, James, Clem and I rode in one car and Ruby,Aasim,Mitch and Willy rode in the other.

"How about we stop by McDonald's?" Marlon asked.

"Hell yeah, I've been dying to eat all day" I said.

I get back in the back with Clem, while everyone else was in front of us.

She sits a little ways down from me but a little closer than last time.

I start to shiver from it being so cold in the car.

"Turn the heat on please" I say.

Clem looks over at me and frowns. "Are you cold?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's freezing in here"

The next thing she does surprises both me and her. She scoots closer to me and wraps both arms around me. I didn't cooperate at first until I eased into it.

I wrapped my own arms around her waist and held her close. Her body heat surrounded me and made me feel warm inside.

"We're definitely getting them together before the night ends" I could hear Louis whisper to James.

I could careless. All I cared about was Clem hugging me and how good she smelled. She smelled just like Clementine's. How ironic.

This is basically the best day ever.

Hey welcome to my new and probably last book I'll be writing, unless I make another one about Clouis. If you guys haven't checked out my two other Violentine books, I'd recommend those😉 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this One-Shot book. I hope you all have a great day/night💙

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