3. Long Ways Away

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Idk I just came up with this idea, I'm supposed to be meeting my internet best friend in a couple of weeks :) so this is mostly where it came from. I kinda switched it up though with Violet and Clem begin amazing girlfriends😊

No ones POV, 3rd person.

Clementine and Violet have been friends for almost 2 years now. Meeting each other online and talking abut little things. Throughout the years of being friends, they have had some sort of feelings for each other. Violet confessed to Clementine about her feelings for her. Clementine told her she felt the same way. The only problem was that they was 10,000 miles apart. They would do there daily FaceTimes or Calls everyday after they got home from school. Talk about how pretty each other was. Flirt here and there with each other.

One day, Violet got a letter that Clementine sent from a couple of days ago.

Violet facetimed Clem to tell her that she got the letter.

"Hey Baby" Clementine says. Violet smiles at her adorable girlfriend.

"Hey, guess what I got!" Violet holds up the letter Clementine sent to her.

"Oh my god, finally, read it!" She moved around to where she was sitting on one of her knees.

Violet opens the letter and begins to read.

Hey Vi! I'm writing this letter to you too tell you something very exciting. I will be in California to come and see you! I can't wait to see your adorable face at the airport :) I'll see you in 3 months baby.

-Clementine <3

Violets eyes widened. "Holy shit! Are you being serious?" She asked. Clementine nodded. "Yeah, I've been saving up money to plan to come and see you sometime and I finally have enough" She says with a smile.

"No way, this is crazy. I get to see my girlfriend for the first time in person in 3 months!" Violet yells and jumps on her bed.

Clementine giggles at her childness. "Yeah, I'll be in sometime in May or June" She says.

"That's good! I'll be out of school by then, I can't wait to see you!" She says. Clementine smiles at her. "I can't wait to see you too!"

"Okay, I have to go, I love you" Violet smiles. "I love you more"

The call ends and violet lays back on her bed. She really can't believe that she's going to see her girlfriend in 3 months.

Time skip to 3 months later

Violet woke up on a crisp Saturday morning. Today was the day she was gonna meet Clementine.

Violet got up and stretched her arms. She leaned over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone.

'20 messages from pianoboi'

L: are you ready for today?
V: Yeah Lou, I'm just waking up.
L: okay, what time do you need me to pick you up for the airport?
V: Clem said she'll be there around 5:00 so maybe 4?
L: I gotcha. I'll see you later bestie :)
V: Later Louis.

Violet turned her phone off and got up out of bed. She went over to her closet and picked out something to wear today. Nothing to fancy but something that will stand out for Clem. She picked out a pair of black ripped jeans and a band t-shirt with her favorite black and white checkered vans.

Clementine was currently on the plane, already heading to Virginia. Her step dad Lee was with her. He knew about Clem and Violet after Clementine said yes to Violet.

Clementine had on a basic t-shirt and jeans with her white converse for her shoes. She thought violet would like this outfit.


After Violet got ready, she texted Louis.

V: Hey I'm ready, where are you?
L: already on my way dude, today's gonna be awesome, seeing my two favorite people meet each other for the first time :) and I'm gonna video the whole thing.
V: Yeah, I'm excited too. Tell me when you get here.
L: on it, see you in a bit.
V: ✌🏻

Louis picked up Violet and they made there way to the airport.

Clementine was still on the plane but was getting closer and closer by the second.

After Violet and Louis made it to the airport, they got out and headed inside.

"This is gonna be awesome" Louis said as he pulled his phone out his pocket. "Yeah, I'm just ready to see her and hang out with her all week"

Violet got a text from Clem.

C: Hey Baby, I'm here, I'm getting off of the plane now!
V: Yay :) I'm so excited to see you!
C: and I'm excited to see you.
V: I'll see you in a couple of minutes <3
C: <3

After waiting for 5 minutes, Clementine was finally done.

"I wonder where she is" right when she said that, a beautiful brown skinned girl with amazing brown eyes came around the corner with her step dad.

Violet stared at her in shock, not knowing what to do. Clementine smiled and threw her stuff down, running towards Violet. Violet did the same and started running too.

They both collided and hugged one another very tight. They fell to the ground still hugging each other, them both crying in each other's arms. "I can't believe your here" Clementine smiles. "I can't believe I get to see your beautiful face"

Violet got off of Clem and held out her hand to help her up. Clem took her hand and pulled her into another tight hug. Violet hugged back with the same energy. They both lean back but still held on to each other. "I still can't believe it" Violet says. Clementine giggled. "You look amazing by the way"

"You two are so adorable" Louis comes from behind them and wipes a tear from his eye. "Oh my god, hi Louis!" Clem said. Louis turned off the video and hugged Clem.

"Good to see you too Clementine" he says.

"Clem has been so excited to see you Violet" Lee says. "Thank you Mr.Everett, and thank you for letting her come and see me" Violet says. Clementine smiles at the two before taking Violets hand in hers.

After they got everything packed in Louis's car. They headed to the home that Clem and Lee was gonna stay at for the weekend.

"I can't believe that I get to spend the weekend with my favorite person in the world" Clementine grips violets hand and intertwines there fingers. "Yeah, I'm glad too, I have a lot planned for us this week" Violet smiles and rubs the back of Clem's hand with her thumb.

"Hey Dad" Clementine says. "Yeah?" She looks at Violet. "Is it okay if I can't spend the night at Violets for a couple of days" Lee nods. "Sure, but you'd have to come home eventually" he says. "Oh don't worry, I will"

She looks at Violet again and squeals. "Ahh I'm so excited" she hugs violets arm and squeezes violets hand. Clementine rests her hand on Violets shoulder while violet leans her head on Clementine's.

"I love you" Clementine smiled.

"I love you too"

And with that, I knew that this is gonna be the best weekend ever.

Another chapter up and finished :) hope you guys enjoy.

I plan on trying to keep this One-Shot book alive. I don't know if I should continue to write if it starts to die down or delete it.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have an amazing day💗

- Jaden <3

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