5. Sick Days

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Clementine's POV

I open my eyes slowly. I feel hot, why is it so hot in here? I try to breathe. I can't breathe. Please don't tell me I'm sick.

Violet rolls over and places her arms around my waist and nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck.

"Violet..." I try to talk but all that came out was basically nothing. My voice is gone.

"Vi.." I try to speak a little louder. I nudge her shoulder. She opens her eyes slowly and smiles at me.

"Good Morning Baby" She says. I try to talk and she looks at me weird.

"Are you okay?" I shake my head and point to my neck. "I can't...speak and breathe..." I say quietly.

"Do you want your inhaler?" She asks. "Please.." she lets go of me and walks over to the desk in front of our bed. She gets into my medicine bag and pulls out my inhaler.

"Here baby" she hands it too me. I take the inhaler and take three puffs from it. I try to speak but all that comes out was a cough.

Violet takes a water and helps me drink. I drink it until I stop coughing.

"You can't go to work today, I'm going to call you in sick" she says. I nod and roll over on my side. "I'm sorry that you feel this way babe, I hate to see you like this" she says and holds my hand.

"It's fine, I kinda deserve it after I hit Louis yesterday" I said. She giggles and tightens her grip on my hand. "He deserved to get hit, he tripped me" she says. "Then we both deserved it" I say.

"Here, scoot over" she says. I do what she asked and she lays next to me. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer to her. She nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck and kisses it gently.

"I love you" she whispers. "I love you too" I lean up against her and wrap my own arms around her.

Her phone goes off. She leans over and picks it up.

"Hi Louis"
"Yes she's with me"
"No, she's sick"
"She didn't deserve it you idiot"
"She just doesn't feel good, I don't like to see her like this"
"Yeah fine,I will"
"Okay bye"

I look up at her and raise my eyebrows. "What did he want?" I ask. "He just wanted to see how you was, and the group said that they hope you feel better"

It was nice to know that the group was looking out for me.

"Tell them I said thank you, except for Louis" I say. She giggles. "I wasn't gonna tell him anyway"

We hear a knock on the door. AJ walks in with a frown on his face.

"Hey Buddy, are you okay?" I ask. He shakes his head and coughs. He's sick too.

He walks over to the side of the bed. "I don't feel good mommy" he said in a sad tone. I look over at Violet. "Come sleep next to me" I say. He smiles and jumps up on the bed and lays next to me.

"Now I have two babies that are sick" Violet says. "Yeah, we'll go to the doctor tomorrow and see what we have AJ" I say.

He nods his head and cuddles up next to me. Violet does the same and hugs me tighter from behind.

"I love you guys" I say. "We love you too" I close my eyes gently and start to drift off.

As you can see, sick days can be the worst days.

Sorry it's short, I didn't really know what to write in this chapter.

Update on my sickness, uhm yeah it's not going away. My eye still hurts like hell and I haven't been to school in 3 days bc of it. I'm still throwing up. and now I think I'm getting the flu. Idk what's going on with me but this shit is getting out of hand.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, even tho it's short as hell.

- Jaden

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