4. College Parties

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Violets POV

"Hold on, where the hell are we even going?" Louis comes up behind me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "You my best friend, are going to a college party, we all are" he says.

Oh hell no, I don't like parties. I'm very socially awkward. I hate to talk to people. Especially since after Minnie left. I just don't know if I can do it.

"Come on Vi, it'll be fun, you'd get to hangout with your best friends and maybe, you'll meet someone you like" he raises his eyebrows a couple times. "I don't know, college parties aren't really my thing. Remember that time at a birthday we went too, I hit that kid in the head with a bat because I wanted candy so bad" I say. "Yeah, but we was like 7, calm down. And besides, I think you kinda hit him on purpose" he giggles. "Nuh Uh, the kid was in my way and I had a clear shot too" he rolls his eyes and guides me too the car.

We all pull up at the party and holy shit was it packed. I've only been to this collage once. And last time it didn't work out too good. Let's just say, I got TOO drunk that night.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, lets get this party started" Louis says. "It's already started idiot" I say. He glares at me. "Shut up and let's go"

We make our way into the party. The music was fucking loud but at least they was playing good songs.

"Who wants to play beer pong!" Louis says. "Hell no, I'm gonna go find the bar" Louis fake frowns. "Come on Vi, at least try and have some fun" I flip him off and walk the other way.

I walk through the humongous crown and finally make it to the bar.

I walk up to it and sit down at a stool.

I call the bartender over. "Hello ma'ma what can I get you tonight?" I think for a second. "Just a beer please, thank you" He nods and goes to go get it.

I look around the room and see Louis standing up on the beer pong table dancing like a goof while the rest of the group cheers him on.

I bring my eyes back and they land on the most gorgeous person I've ever seen in my life.

She has brown hair and golden brown eyes with a tint of yellow in them, her teeth are white and she has an amazing smile, the way her nose scrunches up when she laughs. The way her hair lightly blows with the cool air, This girl is...woah.

She looks up and catches my eye. Before I stare any longer, I extract my eyes back to the bartender and he hands me my drink.

"Thank you" He nods and goes back to work. I take a drink and sit for a second. I see someone sit beside me out of the corner of my eye.

"One beer please" the girl said. I looked over at the person and it was the girl that I was staring at earlier.

She looked up at me and giggled. "Are you good?" She asked.

Shit was I staring again?

"Uhm..hi, uh yeah I'm good, how are you?" Really Violet. She laughed. God that damn laugh. "I'm good, are you new here?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Oh, no I'm just here for the party, I'm actually here with my group of idiot friends" I point over to them. Louis, Marlon and Mitch were all chugging down beer with everyone yelling 'chug,chug,chug'

"They seem...fun" she laughs again. "Yeah, they can be sometimes" I say.

"So uhm, why are you over here?" I ask and look up at her. "I don't know, I couldn't just let a cute girl like you be all alone" she flashed her white teeth at me.

I'm having a gay panic. Shit. My knees are getting weak. Is it hot in here? I mean duh there's a smoking hot girl right in front of me.

"I should probably introduce myself, I'm Clementine but you can call me Clem for short" she holds out her hand. I look down at her hand and hesitate before shaking it. I decided to risk it. Here goes nothing. "My name is Violet but you can call me anytime" I say with a wink right after.

Seriously a wink, she's probably gonna think I'm a idiot and walk away.

She giggles. "Your cute and funny, I like that" she says. "Not cuter than you" I awkwardly smile.

"I have to go, my friends are probably waiting for me" I say. I stand up before she grabs my hand. "Wait hold on" she says. I look down at my hand that she was holding.

"Actually, I was wondering, are you free sometime this week? I'd actually like to get to know you a lot more and maybe we can hang out and talk over coffee?" I look at her. "Uhm yeah...yeah that sounds great" she smiles.

She looks at me before she reaches for a napkin and a pin.

She writes down something on it and hands it to me. She stands up slowly and grabs my hand. She kisses the back of it and lets go. "See you later sweetie" I feel my heart sink.

I look down at the napkin and open it.

Call me ;) 865-267-8871

- Clementine <3

I smile at the napkin and put it in my back pocket.

Hands down, the best party ever.

Hey, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Uhm I don't really have anything else to say. I probably won't be updating for a while because of my sickness sooo.

I hope you guys have a great day/night 💛

- Jaden

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