Saturday Part 1

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Izuku woke up at 9:00 A.M.

"What time is it? 9:00 I thought it would be like 12:00 and I would be late." Izuku took a shower and got dressed. "Hopefully Todoroki can come over unless something happens. I don't want anything to happen so he can't come. I really want to see him today." Then he went in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning mom."
"What do you want to eat?"
"I'll make myself cereal."

Todoroki woke up at 8:30 A.M.

"It's 8:30 I don't leave until 12:00." Todoroki took a shower and got dressed. Then he went in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Fuyumi."
"Goodmorning Shoto."
"Have fun on your date," Natsuo said.
"It's not a date."
"Yeah right."
"It's not."
"Stop it Natsuo," Fuyumi said. "He finally makes a friend and you tease him about it. If you get a girlfriend I going to humiliate you so bad she breaks up with you and won't ever talk to you again."
"That's not fair!" Natsuo yelled.
"Come on guys stop fighting," Todoroki said.

Todoroki ate cereal but he wanted cold soba. Natsuo ate it in in the middle of the night so there wasn't any left.

"You both better not spy on me in the mall if that's what you're thinking."
"Come on. We can spy on you in the restaurant because you only said to not spy on you in the mall," Natsuo said.
"Don't spy on me anywhere."

Todoroki finished his cereal and put his bowl in the sink. Then he walked to his room. "My room is the only place I can get peace and quiet." Todoroki sat on his bed and started playing Legend Of Zelda.

When Izuku finished his cereal he washed his bowl and put it in the cabinet. Then he walked to his room. "I hope my mom doesn't think this is a date." Izuku was bored so he started playing Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker.

At 11:30 A.M. Todoroki shut off the game, fixed his hair, brushed his teeth, grabbed his phone and put on black Nike sneakers. He started to walk to Midoriya's house.

Izuku turned off the game at 11:45 A.M. and he tried to comb his hair but he just left it a mess. Then he brushed his teeth and put on his red sneakers. He saw Todoroki walking up the street.
"Oh no Todoroki is almost here! Where's my phone! Not there. Not under my blanket. Not in the bathroom. There it is. Why did I leave it on the kitchen table?"

Knock Knock Knock

Izuku went to get the door.

"Hi Todoroki."
"Hi Midoriya."
"Mom are you ready?"
"Just give me a minute."
"You're really tall," Izuku said.
"There's people taller than me."
"I know but compared to me I'm really short."
"That's ok size doesn't matter."

While they were talking Fuyumi and Natsuo followed Todoroki and hid behind a tree.

"Can you hear what they're saying?" asked Natsuo.
"Kind of," replied Fuyumi.
"What are they saying?"
"Midoriya is saying that Shoto is really tall."
"I'm taller than him."
"I know. You both are taller than me. Shhh. Shoto said that there are people taller than him."
"Shut up before we get caught. Midoriya said that compared to him he's really short."
"Ha shorty."
"Shoto said that it's ok, size doesn't matter."
"Eww size doesn't matter so his thing-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence!"
"Fine I was just saying ew."
"He didn't mean it that way."
"I know."
"Shh Midoriya's mom is coming."
"Ok I'm ready."

Izuku and Todoroki sit in the back.

"They got in the car!"
"I know that."
"Do any of you want the radio on."
"Yeah," Izuku said.
"Sure," Todoroki said.

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