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Izuku woke up at 10:00 A.M.

Todoroki woke up at 9:15 A.M.

Izuku got dressed. He put on dark blue jeans with his short sleeve All Might shirt. He went in the bathroom and went to the bathroom. Then he went in the kitchen.

"Hi mom," Izuku said.
"Goodmoring honey. What do you want to eat?" Inko said.
"Can I have pancakes and bacon?" Izuku said.
"Yes," Inko replied.

At Todoroki's house Todoroki put on black jeans and his Link T-shirt. He went to the bathroom. Then he tried to fix his bead head, but one piece of hair was sticking up and he just left it. He went in the kitchen.

"What happened to your hair, ha ha ha," Natsuo said while laughing.

Todoroki just looked at him. He didn't want to deal with him today.

"Leave him alone," Fuyumi said, "we have already bothered him enough."
"Hmp" Natsuo was mad.

Todoroki put eggs and bacon on his plate. He sat at the table and ate in silence.

"Don't tell me that you're not going to talk to anyone like you said yesterday," Fuyumi said.
"No but I don't feel like talking," Todoroki said.

He finished his food, put his plate in the sink, and went back in his room.

Izuku's food was ready and he started eating it. When he was done he put his plate in the sink. Then he went back in his room.

Izuku decided that he was going to go to the park. He went in the living room.

"Mom I'm going to the park," Izuku said.
"Ok. Be careful," Inko said.
"I will."

Izuku walked out of the house. The park was five minutes away. Izuku left at 10:20 A.M.

Todoroki came out of his room and walked out of the house.

"Where is he going?" Natsuo asked.
"Just leave him alone," Fuyumi said.

Todoroki was going to the park but he didn't know Izuku would be there. Todoroki left at 10:30 A.M.

Izuku was already at the park and he sat on a bench. "Aw man. I should have brought my headphones." Izuku thought.

When Todoroki got there he saw Midoriya. He walked over and sat on the bench Izuku was sitting on. Izuku was playing video games.

"Hi Midoriya," Todoroki said.

Izuku jumped.

"Hi Todoroki. You scared me," Izuku said.
"Sorry I didn't mean to."
"That's ok."
"How long have you been here?" Todoroki asked.
"For like 10 minutes."
"Do you want to go on the swings together?" Todoroki asked.
"Yeah," Izuku said while his face brightened up.

"Cute little kid," Todoroki thought.

Izuku shut his phone off and put it in his pocket.

"I just noticed that you're wearing your knew shirt," Izuku said to Todoroki.
"Yeah and you're wearing yours," Todoroki said.

They sat on the swings. They started swinging. Izuku was laughing too and Todoroki was smiling. When they got tired of the swings they went on the slide. When Izuku went down his hair didn't really change from the static because it's always sticking up. When Todoroki went down the slide his hair was sticking up from the static.

"Ha ha ha, your hair is sticking up," Izuku said while laughing.
"You don't see it on you because your hair is always sticking up," Todoroki said.

They went down the slide a few more times. Then they went on the seesaw. Then they just sat on the seesaw and looked at each other.

"You're my only friend I've had since I was a kid," Todoroki said.
"What's worse having no friend or having a friend that bullies you?" Izuku said.
"I don't know. Having no friend you don't have anyone to talk to except for your family. If you have a friend that bullies you then they wouldn't be a friend they would be a bully. I think that having a friend that's a bully is worse because you have physical pain and loneliness instead of just loneliness. You're talking about Bakugou right?"
"Yes," Izuku said.

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