Chapter 1 - A Bitter Start

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14:30 – Day 1

Jesse awoke with a slight gasp, pain instantly searing through her entire body. For a second, she couldn't see a thing. 
She could barely move, her muscles throbbing heavily. Her body temperature on a dangerously low level.

Jesse blinked hard, her eyes starting to see things again. She found herself staring up at a dim blue sky, almost with a purple hint to it. Her vision was distorted and fuzzy, but Jesse could make out what looked like snowflakes, spiraling down around her. She shut her eyes tightly, taking in a deep icy breath, trying to remember where she was or what had happened. 
But nothing.

Jesse forced her eyes back open. She gritted her teeth, flexing her fingers. She could barely feel them, but they were working.

Jesse took a deep breath, forcing her heavy body off the ground. Her gloved hands balled into tight fists, nails digging into her palms. Feeling probably the worse pain she's ever felt in her entire life, radiate through her entire body. Jesse's eyes shut tightly, and she screamed. Hearing her own voice cut through the air, echoing for miles.

Jesse fell back down onto the ground, letting out another pained cry. She only just about managed to roll herself onto her side, curling into a tight ball of cold and pain. No doubt, her ribs were broken.

"Pull yourself... together... Jesse..." She breathed out, shutting her eyes. Gritting her teeth as she placed one arm on the snowy ground. Another scream of anguish ripping itself from her throat as she propped herself up on it.

Jesse breathed in deeply, the icy air burning her throat. She pried her eyes open again, clenching her jaw as she tried to work through the pain she felt.

Jesse groaned in pain, forcing herself up on her one elbow while keeping the other arm wrapped around her throbbing side. Through a few more pained cries and gasps, Jesse manged to get herself up onto her knees.

Her body was shaking, muscles contracting in painful spasms. Eyes shut tightly, her teeth grinding slightly. It felt like Jesse's body was getting colder by the second.

Once more, she forced open her eyes. Looking down at herself, and the ground she was seated on. Her vision wasn't a hundred percent clear, blurring around the corners. But she could still make out the dark red stains on the snow, right where she had been lying.

Jesse looked down at herself, trying to find the source of her bleeding. She was dressed warmly, like she had planned to be out in that weather. A thick wind resistant jacket, over what appeared to be a few layers of sweaters. Her hands hidden beneath wool gloves, probably the only reason her fingers weren't frostbitten yet.

Jesse reached one hand up to the side of her head, bringing it back down to reveal to droplets of blood on the wool. She gritted her teeth again, resisting the urge to cry out once more.

Jesse looked around, feeling her heart hammering inside her chest. Panic was starting to consume her. Still gripping in injured side, she began forcing herself upwards. Her legs shook beneath her, pain spiraling through all her limbs.

Jesse let out another pained shriek as she forced herself through the agony, pushing herself up onto her legs despite her body's countless signs that she needed to stop.

Jesse's breathing came out in short gasps, raspy and scratchy. Ignoring the lightheaded feeling that had settled over her, Jesse forced her head up to look around.

But all she saw, was white. Just stretches of snow, more sprinkling down from the darkening sky. 

"Hello?" Jesse called out, the wind blowing her voice away. "Anybody there?" Her breath choked in her throat, her heart pounding wildly. If only she knew what had happened! Was she alone? Were her friends nearby?

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