Chapter 3-We Bought a Freakimg Transformer

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Lucas stomped onto the porch that morning as Tessa was walking up to the screen door.

"Where are they?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know." Tessa replied, shrugging her shoulders.

The robotic guard dog starts to bark.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" Robo-dog screamed.

"Asshole." Lucas said as he gave Robo-dog a glare.

"I am calling 911."

Lucas notices an eviction notice stuck to the door and takes it off as Tessa comes outside.

"Tess, I'm basically your uncle. Su casa es mi casa," lucas says, and holds up the notice.

"And we're going to lose the casa."

Tessa and Lucas head to the barn.

"Dad! Maleah!" Tessa yelled out as they neared the barn.

"Coming!" Case yelled as he crawled out from underneath the old semi, Maleah climbing down from the engine.

"Are you working with lasers? If so, I'm not coming in." Tessa says as Cade opens the door.

"You guys have never seen a truck like this before. Get in here. Lock that door."

"It doesn't have a lock." Lucas muttered as he followed Cade.

Cade takes them to the truck, where Maleah is messing with parts. She picks one up and shows Cade.

"Look! Look at the hole in the radiator! Look at the size of it. Something blew a hole in it." Maleah stated.

"Yeah. So?" Lucas asked.

Maleah rolled her eyes.

"It's not normal steel." Cade started." The shrapnel in the engine ripped all the connections apart. And watch, this took some Cade and Leah genius. You are gonna love this. When I hook this to a working battery,"

Maleah brought over a battery and Cade connected the jumper cables to the truck as Maleah connected the battery. Sparks started to fly as the truck started and a recording started to play.

"Calling all..... Calling all Autobots." a voice said.

Maleah disconnected the battery and they both looked at Tessa and Lucas.

"Oh yea, I don't think this is a truck at all," Cade started.

"I think we just found a transformer." Maleah finished.

For a minute, it was quiet. Then it finally sank in.

"Tran....Ugh! Evacuate" Lucas yelled as he ran out of the barn with Tessa following closely behind him.

"Wait, guys!" Cade and Maleah yelled as they ran after them.

"Dad, are you out of your mind? You need to get that thing out of here!" Tessa yelled.

Cade tried to calm her down.

"You don't have to worry. We've been in there working all night. We're fine." Cade said.

Lucas opened his mouth and Maleah groaned, knowing that what came out of his mouth next was gonna be stupid.

"You know what? You're right. That's not a truck, okay? It's an alien killing machine. Jesus."

Maleah sighed.

"Dude, it's DOA. It's been recalled, totaled, done!" she told him.

Lucas ignored her.

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