Finding You

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'Blake's Pov'

She had managed to get away just before we reached her and her friend.

Right now me and the boys are sat in my office at the pack house trying to find information on her of Facebook, twitter, Skype etc but we're not getting anywhere at the moment.

'Boys come down, dinners ready' my mother spoke through the pack link we have.

Stef being the pig he is was already out of the door and heading straight towards the kitchen before my mum could finish telling us.

I got up and followed the rest of the guys to the kitchen, were we meet my mum, dad, my baby sister and Stef who was sat at the table with a fork and knife at the ready.

Shaking my head at him while the others laughed we all sat at the table as mum started brining dinner on to the table.

-After dinner-

After dinner I helped mum with the dishes, I headed upstairs to my room where I went onto my laptop to start on my assignment for history which had to be in tomorrow, I may be the bad boy of the school but I do, do my homework for my lessons.

"Bid Buddha" come quiet voice, turning I saw my baby sister stood their with a piece of paper in her hands.

"Yes Maiya" I asked softly back to her, she smiled up at me before bringing the paper to me but before she could say anything my bedroom door burst open, their stood Stefan (Stef) and Steve (Stev).

"Guys what are you doing here?" I asked whilst picking up Maiya who laughed when Stev started poking her side.

"Well my dear friend, it turned out that the girl that little miss trouble maker was talking to is none other then Sarah Jane who happens to be Stev's mate but stupid over here hasn't told her yet.....Dummy" Stef said but whispered the last part but Stev still heard it as he growled at him.

"Shut it Stef" Stev spoke whilst moving to sit on my bed.

"So why are you telling me about this, no offense Stev and Congrats on finding her" I said earning a smile from him.

"Well she is friends with little miss trouble maker" Stef said with a grin.


"We could get her to help with information on her" he replied back.

We both were quiet whilst looking at each other before we slowly turned to look at Stev.

"Oh Stev" we both said making fear show on Stev's face as he looked at us beth.

"Oh god" he mumbled quietly earning me and Stef to grin at him.

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