I'm a What!

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                           I'm a What!

-Char's Pov-

I was stood outside school waiting for dad to pick me up but he's 20 minutes late.

I stood there listening to my music when dad pulled up, opening the passangers side door my dad was the first one to speak "sorry sweetheart i had a meeting with my new boss"

"It's ok daddy how is your new job anyway?" 

"It's going good sweetheart a lot of paper work but it's really good" daddy replied back with a smile on his face for the first time since mother died.

"That's good daddy i'm glad your liking it, so what are we doing tonight?" i asked.

"Well we are going home cause i need to tell you something and then we are going round my bosses house for dinner"

"Ok" was all i said back before turning the radio on to our favourite station and our favourite song was on as well.

-At Home-

We has been home for nearly an hour now and dad still hasn't told me what he wanted to tell me.

"Ok daddy what is it you wanted to tell me?" i said whilst walking into his office.

"Well it's just that i don't think you will believe me with what i'm going to tell you"


"OK, ok will you please take a seat" daddy said sounding nervous.

"What is it daddy?

"Well sweetheart me and your mother wanted to tell you sooner but then she passed away"

"What daddy"

"You see your not . . . Human"


"You see your a werewolf and a witch" daddy said now sounding serious.

I looked at daddy like he has two heads, he cann't be serious right, i think i need to go lie down.

"Erm i think i'm going to go lie down for a bit daddy, shout me when its time to leave" was all i said before walking out his office and towards my bedroom were i sat on my bed thinking about what he just said.

'Werewolf and a witch'

'Yes your a werewolf' the voice from earlier said which scared the living day out of me causing me to fall of my bed.

'And who are you?' i asked

'My name is Sophine, i'm your werewolf' Sophine said back to me softly.

~Don't forget me~ another voice said coming out of now where.

'And who the hell are you?'

~My name is Crystal, i'm your witch~

'So what daddy said was all true'

>YES< they both shouted at the same time leaving me with a headache.

Getting up of the bed i headed back to daddy's office.

"Daddy which one of you and mother are who?" i asked as i made my wat into the seat that was across from his desk.

"Your mother is a pure red/brown werewolf but i'm a pure black werewolf but i'm also a witch" daddy replied back to me slolwy.

"So i'm going to be a werewolf witch?"

"Yes sweetheart you are but because of you having witch in you, you won't shift at the age of 16 like other werewolf would but you should be getting ready to shift anytime soon"

"Does it hurt?" i asked him whilst thinking about what it would be like to shift into a wolf but at the same time i felt scared that it is going to hurt.

"The first time you shift i tdoes but after that it won't i promise"

"Ok daddy, i'm gonna go get ready to have dinner with your boss and you should to" i said whilst giving him a hug before leaving his office once again and towards my bedroom were this time i went to get ready for this dinner with his boss.

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