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I only have one way out, but its not up to me to  decide whether to take it. 

My head is full of options, but they are only suggestions. 

There is one unlocked door out of many that aren't. 

So many places to go but somehow I cant.

My life is mine, but when does it start? 

When am I free to leave and live the life that  I want?

Why am I so trapped... but at the same time I'm not?

Why am I the one with all the feelings that nobody would want?

I'm on a lead, that I can un-tie it at anytime... so why is there something telling me that that's not my decision to decide?

I'm in a world all of my own,

So why is suicide always on my mind?

Why is my life the one thing I want gone?

Give Me A ReasonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя