- Filters and FaceTune -

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stretch marks and rippled skin,

everything I hate right below my chin.

my thighs are too big and my stomach isn't flat,

my chest is not like how they are in movies, and I feel too fat.

I hide my body with clothes and deep breaths, 

I continue to eat unhealthy because of the stress.

workouts barely do anything but keep me in pain,

being myself is a constant strain .

I wish I could say that I love myself, but that's just not true,

when I see a mirror, I hide my view.

my Instagram is what I hide behind, 

all of my beauty is only ever posted online.

filters and face-tune hide the truth,

just so others can be impressed by my youth,

I wish I was beautiful, 

I wish I was pretty,

I wish I was perfect and my body was skinny.

I wish my stomach didn't hurt from sucking in,

I wish I didn't always have to use makeup to hide my real skin.

I wish I was like her, she's always so happy,

I wish I wasn't me,  I wish It so badly...

please come true, I want to change,

I wish it was something I could arrange.

filters and facetune just isn't enough these days....

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