- Torment -

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Fighting, I watch as your voice gets loud,

I try to have an opinion but you say I'm not aloud.

you think that your the one who's always right, but so do I...

I guess that means one of us is wrong but you make me out to be the bad guy. 

My heart is already cold,

 but you burn me with words that scold,

You blame me... yell and don't trust me,

all I want is for you to show me that you love me. 

I just want the torment to stop so our love can set us free,

you will remain my world despite what you could say, 

I guess that's why I so desperately want you to stay. 

I know your soulmate isn't suppose to make you cry and question your love, 

but someone you care so deeply about is hard to just get rid of.

I want the fighting to finally stop, I don't want another tear to have to drop.

so show me that our love can remain frequent,

and let us finally move past this torment...

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