Part Two

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When I woke up, I felt a severe pain searing through the back of my head. I thought I was dying, it was hurting that much. Then I remembered my Dads angry face, the broken glass and a slight flash of a red car. Then I realized I hadn’t opened my eyes, but when I tried to, it felt as though something was blocking them from budging. I went to place my hand across my eyes but I freaked out when I couldn’t move them either. They felt like they were tied down to something. Great... dads friends no doubt. I’d always heard horrible stories about what Dad’s pub friends do to  young girls who get into trouble.

“DAD! Please, let me go!” I screamed. There was complete and utter silence. My head was spinning violently and I was struggling to make sense of what was happening. “Please! Who ever you are! Please let me go!” I cried, desperately trying to wriggle myself away from whatever was holding me down.

“Oi, she’s awake now,”

I heard a door open and footsteps approaching. “Please! Let me go, let me-“ I couldn’t even finish my sentence before a hand came down over my eyes and fumbelled around with something. My blindfold was removed and I slowly squinted around the room was in. The room was dark, apart from a small lamp that was plugged into the side of a wall. A dark figure decended over me and I shuddered involuntarily. I noticed a few other people standing behind the person in front of me i was worried sick, what were they planning to do with me? I struggled trying to free my hands, but it was no use. I was strapped down firmly with absolutely no way of escape. 

The figure stepped forward and I made out a few of his features. Thick, dark hair covered his head, growing all the way down to his shoulders. He  had an evil grin on his face and the thing that scared me the most was what he was holding: a sharp glimmering knife. I began to fear the worst. “Don’t worry honey. We’re not going to hurt you,” came his raspy voice. 

I shuddered in fear and kept still, not taking my eyes away from the knife. Laugter was heard from the men that stood behind him. “Please...” I muttered, praying to god that he wouldn’ t come any closer with that knife. He chuckled and moved towards me, stopping inches from my face. “Honey, if we wanted to hurt you, we would have done so long ago,” he gave me a creepy grin and turned around to face the people that stood behind him.

I looked back, immediately noticed my dad. “Dad!” I cried, feeling tears coming on. I didn’t deserve this  Who knows what they wanted to do with me. Dad took a big step forward and gave a horrible laugh. He was holding a beer in one hand and stroking his mostashe in the other. I could see he was deep in thought, probably deciding what he wanted to do to me.

Please, nothing violent, Dad... let me go, just let me go and I won’t tell a soul, I thought to myself.


One of the men stood forward and gave a mighty grin as he reached over and pulled out a strand of my blue hair. “Your dad says you’re into all that rock music,” he mused, as he glanced at the thread of hair he was holding. I tried to wriggle myself away from the bonds that were holding me down, but was unsuccessful. 

“What do you want from me?” I muttered, through gritted teeth. “Your dad says you were trying to run away,” one of the men replied with a maniacal laugh. My dad gave a laugh and stroked my hair. “Myca, don’t worry. Daddy’s here to chase away your demons. Your mother did the right thing by kicking you out. I’m not having you go to that concert... my little girl is certainly not getting mixed up with homosexual fools that sing about death, destruction and guns and violence. No, no. I have a much better plan for how you’ll be spending your Friday night. From now on you’ll be staying here, taking care of me and the boys,”

Did he just call MCR homosexual fools? Rage filled my mind and I wished I could punch him straight in the face and knock him to the floor. And there was no way I’d let him keep me here with these dickheads. Obviously he sensed my anger as he elbowed the men behind him who all gave a chuckle. He was amused by the fact that his daughter was angry, as though it were some sick turn on. “As for your mother,” he added, “She’s long gone,”

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