Part Six (Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge!!) :)

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Well, this is the second last chapter, of this book at least. As usual, I'm pretty sure there's a fair bit of bad language/moderate adult themes blah blah whatever, just warning you guys before you read.

SO... as I was saying, SECOND LAST CHAPTER... the tension is building.. hehe just joking... but I'm very happy to say that the sequel is coming along quickly now so yayyy! More for you guys to read....... hope you all enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think & be sure to check out my other stories too :D

I'll stop boring you now: here's chapter 6! Thx for reading in advance :)  

Holly made herself comfortable and on the fold out and looked around at everything in the van. Apart from a few things that had fallen from shelves when the van had stopped abruptly, it was still looking pretty awesome inside.   

“Seriously, what did they do to you in there?” I asked Holly, as I opened the first aid box.

“It’s a long story...” she replied, wincing as I cleared away some of the blood on her arms with a wipe.

“Believe me; I know what a long story is. I’ve been living with my dad for years and it has only gotten worse,”  

“Myca, why is it you never told me about your dad being so... so fucking horrible to people? If I’d have known what was going on, you could have moved in with me and mum,”

Suddenly, I felt really bad and found myself thinking back. I’d been hiding my problems away from Holly for years now. I guess I was always too scared to let her know how serious things got with my parents. She knew how much stress I dealt with from my sister and her constant boyfriends, but I’d never really spoken about my father.   

“I’m sorry, Holly. I’ve been afraid,” I admitted, feeling tears build up. She sat up and pushed away my hand that was attempting to clean her wounds, then pulled me into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry... I really am... but I never wanted you to know, I never wanted to you to get involved because I was so scared that you’d get hurt. I didn’t know how you’d respond, and I didn’t want you to call the police,” I’d started crying and this had only made Holly hold me tighter.   

“I just wish you’d have told me Myca. I feel so responsible for everything, I could have stopped this from happening,”   

“Holly, even if I had of decided to move in with you and your mum he would have found me. He wants me to be something I’m not, and because he’s not the person he wants to be, he decides to take it out on me,”   

“Well, we’ve got to put a stop to it,” said Holly determinedly.   

“You’re right and I’m glad you’re my friend...” I said suddenly feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. 

 “Me too... now, what’s the go? Are we going to just sit here all vulnerable and wait for them to come and take us away, or are we going to help our heroes?”  

I gave a laugh and helped Holly to her feet.

“What do you think?” I replied forcing a smile.   

“I think it’s time to get out there and protect the boys,” Holly grinned and I had to say she was really good at bringing out that courageous side that I hid from all the time. I pulled out the pocket knife that had been handed to me at the Cove.

“I got given this earlier, so I’m all good... but before we go, we’ll have to find something you can use as a weapon,”   I opened a drawer next to the bar fridge and found a screwdriver.

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