Part Three

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  Frank moved away from them all, and began making a phone call. “No, don’t!” I cried, standing up and pulling the phone away from him. Frank looked shocked and jumped back, as thought startled that a girl could make such quick and desperate moves. Ray came over and looked as if he was wondering whether or not he should intervene, after all, I’m not really that strong and I’m a girl. I think they were just paranoid I going to try running off with the phone; imagine all the famous numbers that would be inside... 

I slowly put the phone on the floor and stepped away from it. I kept taking steps backwards as the band looked uncertainly at me. “She’s going to run for it,” Mikey said in a worried voice. “Looks like she’s going to try,” Ray chipped in. “Not while I’m around!” Gerard bellowed, as he lunged forward and pulled me into his grip.   

Oh shit. Now I’m going to be kidnapped by My Chemical Romance, my favourite band, right after escaping my dad and his friends. I screamed, but then realized how loud I had been, dad could be anywhere nearby at any moment he and his mates could show up. I was right, just as I stopped screaming, a car came and rounded around the corner and the brakes screeched loudly. The car barely missed a nearby tree. Moments later, car doors were opened and four men got out, one of them being my dad. “Myca! What on earth? What are you doing with these fools! First we find out you’ve escaped, no note, nothing at all honey... these people aren’t good for you. Now get in the car and I’ll take you home, you stupid fuckhead,” 

I shook my head and clung to Gerard, which was strange because just moments later I had been afraid of him. But something was telling me that if I staying with Gerard and the band wouldn’t be as bad as my dad and his crazy ass friends. Frank lunged forward in an angry bust and knocked my dad to the floor. Dad’s friends stood up and jumped into the scene.   

“I’ll handle this! Take the girl, and get back to the van. NOW,” yelled Frank loudly. “Not without me,” said Gerard as he tossed me over to Mikey. “Be careful,” said Mikey, as he held onto me. I was shaking in fear, starting to cry. What if MCR lost the fight and dad came back and... I tried not to think of that happening.   Mikey and Ray quickly led me over towards a small pathway amidst a row of trees. I looked back in shock as I saw Gerard and Frank throwing dad’s friends to the floor. “Are you okay?” Mikey asked softly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Do you think they’ll be okay?” I replied. Mikey suddenly gave a big smile. “Yep, Gerard knows how to take care of himself! He takes care of all of us... now come on, let’s get you away from all of this and back to the van,”

I sighed and continued walking with them both down the pathway until I spotted a black van that was covered with graffiti. “After you,” said Mikey as he opened the back of the van. I peered inside and gasped. It was as though I were looking into a room, a bedroom to be more precise. Posters covered the walls and there were clothes, boots, CD’s and a few empty cans lying on the ground. On one end, I spotted an expensive looking black leather lounge and a rather large bar fridge. An LCD TV was propped up on the opposite wall and there were a series of photographs sitting on a small bookcase. “It’s not much, but while we’re touring, it’s our home...” said Ray, giving a fond smile. “Wait, how do you all fit in here?” I asked, looking around.  

“Ray’s kinda exaggerating. This isn’t exactly our home, it’s more like our retreat; we stay in hotel rooms. But when Gerard gets into one of his moods, he comes back here to calm down. Same goes for any of us. Sometimes we just need our own space and we all take some time out to chill. Oh, and for emergencies, we’ve got this nifty little idea... see the wall? All you gotta do is press this button and suddenly we’ve got beds!” Mikey pressed a button on the wall and an electric bed slowly folded down with a buzzing sound. “Woah,” I said, in amazement. I knew these guys were rich and famous, but holy crap, I didn’t expect to be getting a tour from Mikey Way.

How MCR saved my life (7 part story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now