Chapter 14

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A/N: Sorry for taking long to update, but I got so busy with university and homework (ugh I hate homework, and i'm probably not the only one who does!) and I kinda forgot to update this book. so I thought "Hey why don't you update your book that you have!" and I said to myself  "HEY! What a great idea! Considering I don't have classes anymore." and now we're here. So lets get on with this new chapter.

P.S. as some of you may have noticed (if you looked at the updates I did with the last two chapters) I changed the ages for Oliver and Cleopatra. so they are both now sixteen. Figured I'd make them older for the plans I have for them, later on in the book. Okayy enough with me, ON TO THE BOOK!

Oliver's POV:

            When Alpha told Cleo and I that we would be staying in the chaos cabin I, (to be honest) wasn't surprised about the decision. Cleo on the other hand was surprised and couldn't wait to see the cabin she'd be staying in. As we made our way to the Chaos cabin I picked up the now tired Egyptian and put her on my back.  I guess turning in to a lioness is draining and on top of that being on the run for awhile too, so yeah it made sense to be tired from doing that. I mean I would be to if I turned into something else or used my powers (if I have any) with out training and being on the run. HELL I have been on the run and I AM tired. We were about half way to the cabin when my thoughts came to a stop.

"If you don't mind me asking alpha, but is it just you staying in that cabin?" I asked in a politely, and Alpha was surprised at how polite I was. 

"N-No it's not just me on the Chaos cabin, there's my team in the cabin." He explained to me after he got over the shock that I was polite. But it seemed like he wanted to ask me something but he wasn't sure how I would react. 

"if you want to ask me something go right a head. I won't get mad at you...well actually it would depend on what the question is." I told Alpha.

"I'm just wondering how are you so polite? not that it's a bad thing it's's just that not a lot of teenagers now aren't this nice. well not since a young hero by the name of Percy Jackson" he asked me with amusement in his voice.

I  chuckle at what he asked me and replied "It's how my father raised me. He taught me how to always be polite to people. Not just to the women but to the man and a children, even if they are not polite to you. Sure I may be sarcastic at times but I sober up so i could be polite to the people around me."

"Your Father is a smart man. when you see him I would like to congratulate him on how a fine young man you've turned into...Nephew." Alpha said with pride in his voice.

"He...he isn't around anymore...wait did you say nephew?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes I did, your mother is my sister so in which you are my nephew, also I'm sorry for your lose." my uncle told me, as we walk through the front door of the Chaos cabin. when I entire the cabin I was contemplating on just falling asleep on the flour, so Cleo could have the couch, or just to stay up for the rest of the night. I lay Cleo on the couch and cover her in a blanket that Alpha got, and to be honest I didn't even see him walk out of the room. As I got up from saying goodnight to the already sleeping Cleo, I decided that I was going to stay up all night, after all it is five in the morning. When i stood up i figured that i'd take a look at my surroundings and oh man is it a nice living room. Then for some odd reason my gut was telling me to move to the left, so i did the most human thing i followed my gut. after i moved to the left a little i saw a small rubber ball fly past my head, but then the next thing i knew i was on the ground with a pocket knife pressed against of my neck. It felt like my mind and body went on autopilot, my arm grabbed alpha's arm and pushed it away from my neck and kicked him off of my body. For some odd reason he had this smirk on his face. 

"Good, good your reflexes are working and you are somewhat aware of you surroundings. But that will all change in time and with proper training." he said with a smirk still on his face. i had no idea on how to respond to his compliment so i said the first thing on my mind.

" there a washroom in here?" i asked while looking at him, to be honest i'm a little embarrassed that i couldn't ask that. 

"ahahaha yeah there is, down the hall first door on the left." he chuckled.

3rd pov

"WHERE IS HE?!" an angry feminine voice screamed out to the group standing in front of a Earthen Throne.

"He...he is in the half-bloods camp on long island...mistress..." a scarred voice called out hoping that they won't be in big trouble with their mistress.

"I told you to bring him to me, so" the "mistress" asked the group of monsters in from of her.

"we couldn't catch up to him and his lady friend..." Said one of the monsters, a Lycan,proclaimed himself the leader of the horde.

"AND PLEASE DO TELL ME WHY YOU COULD'NT CATCH UP TO THEM!" The Mistress Exclaimed in a malice tone.

"Th-They Passed through the camps protective barrier before we could grab them. We're Sorry to disappoint you mistress." the self proclaimed leader graveled at the Mistress' feet.

"I suppose i could forgive you....but only if you kill your pack leader Lycan." She said with a sadistic smile on her face. As soon as she said that the young Lycan was almost compelled to stand up from his groveling position and to do as his Mistress asked. 

"I'm sorry mistress but my pack leader is not here with us, he has gone out to look for more lycan to going your army." the still groveling Lycan Replied. 

"Well then it looks like then you  have to kill your second in command then." she said with the same sadistic smile on her face. 

"B..But my lady I AM the second in command!" the lycan exclaimed nervously to his mistress, and all she did was smile at him.

"I know..." she said the the same sadistic smile on her face "so what are you waiting for? go on!" she exclaimed gleefully. the Lycan had no choice but to do as his mistress demanded, so he grew his claws out and ripped his own throat out. as he did that he fell to his knees, trying to breath and he knew he die in a few seconds and so he let his emotion show in his eyes. Anger, that was all he felt as he was dying. In his final moment he vowed to get revenge against her, and crumbled to dust and went to Tartaraus. Not to be seen for a couple of decades. 

well there you have it folk the latest chapter of my book and im sorry that i keep taking ong to update my book. but ive been so busy lately with work and all. but i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

see y'all next time duran duran out! :)  

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