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*this chapter is a filler it takes place of girl meets smakle and it's just to see a part of Sophia's past*
*This chapter has some mentions of child abuse and I don't know if it can be triggering to some people so *trigger Warning* I guess it's my first time writing something like this so.....*

Sophia was in her last class of the day and she was waiting for the bell to ring so she can go to kurt and Rachel's as they were going to have a movie night

Once the bell rang she ran out of class grabbed her stuff from her locker and walked out of school and to the place she felt the most safe.

As she finally got to their apartment she knocked and kurt opened the door.

"Sophia yay you're here come on Rachel is making popcorn and we already ordered pizza and we are going to do face mask and have so much fun"kurt rambled making Sophia smile.

"Kurt maybe I should do my homework first so we dont have to worry about it"sophia said giggling making kurt pout playfully

"Fine I guess school is more important than face mask come on you can do it in the kitchen "kurt said walking to the kitchen with sophia following.

As they sat at the table rachel walked out of her room and squealed when she saw sophia and ran to her and pulled her into a bear hug

"Yay you're here okay you finish doing your homework and kurt and I will finish setting everything up and if you need any help tell us"rachel said before she and kurt started grabbing pillows blankets and movies and putting them on the coffee table in the living room.

As sophia was finishing doing her homework there was a knock on the door kurt went to go and open it and on the other side was the pizza guy once kurt payed for the pizza Sophia put her homework away and sat on the couch with rachel as kurt walked over to them with the pizza .

1 pizza box and 2 movies later

"So sophia tell us about your childhood"rachel said as they were exchanging childhood stories

"Well not much to say most of my childhood was making sure maya was happy and never hurt even if it meant I did "sophia said making kurt and rachel frown.

"Sophia when you say hurt please tell me you dont mean.."kurt trailed off frowning but as sophia nodded her head yes tears started to form in his and Rachel's eyes

"No" rachel said sadly as tears threatened to fall from Sophia's eyes.

As a tear rolled down Sophia's cheek rachel and kurt pulled her into a hug making sophia sob as she thought back to the worst times of her childhood.

"Do you want to tell us about it maybe it can help talking to us"rachel asked as Sophia nodded her head yes because she knew she can trust them.
Rachel and kurt pulled sophia to sit between them and each put a arm around her.

"So I know your thinking it was my mom but it wasnt she doesn't even know about it um it was when I was 5 my dad would come home drunk late at night and say how he only wanted one kid and the second one was a mistake my mom never knew because this would happen when she worked her late night shifts at the dinner"sophia said softly trying to hold her tears in.

"But sophia you are the oldest " kurt said confused.

"When me and maya were younger we looked so much alike we really did look like identical twins and the first night he came home drunk I couldn't sleep so I was awake when he came home I heard the door slam shut and went to see who it was but first I made sure maya was asleep then went to the living room my dad saw me and thought I was maya and started screaming at me telling me well "maya" that I shouldn't have been born and was a mistake and I never told him I wasnt maya I'm her big sister I'm supposed to protect her so I took the insults and made sure maya never found out which was easy because she is a heavy sleeper this went on for a week everytime he came home drunk I made sure maya was asleep and sat in the hallway before he can reach the rooms to make sure he never reached mayas room and one day he was screaming and then just slapped "maya" that was the first time he hit me and the force of the slap knock me to the floor and I hit my head on the ground and had a bruised cheek and a bump on my head the beatings went on for three more weeks before he finally left and no one knows about this except me and you guys"sophia said tears flowing down her cheeks like a waterfall.

Rachel and kurt were shocked at what sophia went through and mad at her dad for what he did so for the rest of the night they stayed on the couch covered in soft blankets and fluffy pillows and hugged each other and said jokes to get sophia to smile again because they hated when she was sad and from that day on rachel and kurt made a promise to themselves to never let her go through that pain ever again.

A/N Hello so I know I have been gone for awhile the reason was because I wrote down all my plans for this book in a journal and I lost it but I finally found it and I'm hopefully gonna start adding chapters to this book next chapter is girl meets 1961 with the glee episode dynamic duets so comment what you want to see -joycelyn 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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