Part-time violinist and full-time procrastinator, Jackie Picot, has a total of five problems after only the first week of starting Battersea, University of London.
1) Her flatmate keeps having sex with a bloke Jackie knows will eventuall...
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Storming out of the building, Jackie tried to calm herself down so she wouldn't cry in public, as she was humiliated enough as it was. So humiliated in fact, that she wasn't sure she could ever show her face to anyone ever again. That job interview had been so bad that she felt like throwing up, and she had no doubt that would be exactly what she would do when she got back to the flat. With all the jobs she had applied for she'd only hear back from a small handful, where one of those had been at Primark. And that was where she was sprinting out now. She zig-zagged her way through the horde of people, hoping all of them were having a better day than she was having. All Jackie wanted now was to get back to the flat, lay down in her bed, and forget this day ever happened.
On the tube on the way home, Jackie did what she was best at: thought about all the different ways she could have better her job interview. This always happened. She would make a complete twit of herself because she was so nervous, so the right words never entered her mind, and when she couldn't speak properly it was kind of hard to answer someone as words were essential when you were being interviewed. All the four job interviews she had been to this last month had gone to complete poo, and she hated that she wasn't able to control her emotions, her anxiety.
Walking into the flat, she could hear Tiana, Spencer and Finn in the kitchen. As much as she wanted to be in her room and cry to herself, she knew Tiana would sense something was wrong and would do anything in her power to make Jackie smile again. So, changing out of her interview clothes and into comfortable lounge wear, Jackie put her slippers on and walked into the kitchen.
Jackie only smiled and sat down beside Tiana who threw an arm around her shoulders, kissing her temple.
"Want to talk about the interview?" Finn asked, eyebrows raised in question.
Jackie shook her head.
"Okay," Finn clapped his hands together. "Hope you girls are going to wear something slutty tonight, because I want nothing but the best for my best mate on his birthday."