Part-time violinist and full-time procrastinator, Jackie Picot, has a total of five problems after only the first week of starting Battersea, University of London.
1) Her flatmate keeps having sex with a bloke Jackie knows will eventuall...
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Monday, 7 November 2016
Hospitals didn't smell good, Jackie had decided. A weird mixture of medicines, very overwhelming perfume from wife of the man next door over, cheap microwaveable foods, and chemicals. She didn't know a lot about this type of stuff, and she had visited a hospital once or twice before today, but she hated the way hospitals smelled. Sure, she was grateful for the people working there and helping her brother, but she would always hate being here. Being in a hospital meant something was wrong; it meant Edward was suffering. And the smell all hospitals seemed to have, was something she hated. She could not smell it without worrying even more about her little brother.
"Can you stop that?" Edward asked, grimacing at Jackie who was staring at something off in the distance.
"Looking like you're about to have a mental breakdown."
"Well, that's exactly what I'm about to do so-" Jackie shrugged her shoulders, glancing away from whatever she had been eyeing and at her little brother instead. "I'm not going to have a mental breakdown."
"Good," Edward said. "I cannot be asked to be a shoulder to cry on."
Jackie shook her head, letting out a single chuckle. "Let me have a mental breakdown if I need to, you twat."
Edward smiled, looking at the parking lot around them. Jackie was sitting on a bench while he was in his wheelchair, a blanket draped around his slim figure and a chest that was working hard at absorbing all the fresh air they could muster. Well... fresh air would be a stretch. They were in a parking lot in the biggest city down south, after all. They watched cars come and go, commenting on the different people in them and why they were here. So far, an awful lot were visiting a relative on their death bed. Jackie held the bag of Jelly Babies out for Edward, watching as he took his favourites; the purple ones.
"I'm never visiting a place this depressing when I get out of here." Edward mumbled while chewing on his Jelly Babies.
"What, a parking lot?" Jackie furrowed her brows at him.