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Friday, 11 March 2016

Friday, 11 March 2016

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The room was quiet as Jackie glided her finger over the book before her on her desk while reading, her laptop softly playing Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner

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The room was quiet as Jackie glided her finger over the book before her on her desk while reading, her laptop softly playing Siegfried Idyll by Richard Wagner. The sun shone in through her room, the only light she needed as she was gathering quotes, sources, and information to add to her essay due next week. Sipping her cuppa, she stopped her finger as she found a good sentence to cite, quickly writing it down in her Word Document on her laptop before going back to the book. Whenever she was doing research for an essay, she always thought the reading part was the worst one. This was when she had to really pay attention and figure out the ins and outs of her essay. Once this was done, the writing bit flew by. Research was always the least exciting bit. Not that any part of writing an essay was exciting, but this part was particularly dreadful.

She sat back in her chair, enjoying the calming way the flute drifted through the air like a beautiful waltz. Dancing its way to her and doing wonders to her nerves. It was incredible how music could calm her down like this. While she held the cup of tea between her hands and sunk further down into her chair, she heard her phone vibrate with an incoming text message. She glanced over at it on the edge of her desk, where it laid next to a bottle of white wine and caramel muffins from Sainsbury's.

Very early that exact morning, Tiana and Teresa had knocked on Jackie's door. They knew she would be awake as she needed to work on her essay, so tapping lightly on her door to ask for her attention hadn't been a problem. Tiana had been grinning from ear to ear, Teresa seemed less excited as she shuffled into Jackie's room in her robe and curly hair resembling a bird's nest.

"Happy birthday, babes." Tiana had said, producing a bottle of white wine and a two-pack of caramel muffins. "Thought you'd need this today since you're working on that dreadful essay."

"Happy birthday, mate." Teresa mumbled; eyes barely open.

"Not going to disturb your essay research, but here's your birthday present." Tiana put them on Jackie's desk before giving her a hug. "Okay, we'll let you be now. Good luck, and happy birthday."

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