Part-time violinist and full-time procrastinator, Jackie Picot, has a total of five problems after only the first week of starting Battersea, University of London.
1) Her flatmate keeps having sex with a bloke Jackie knows will eventuall...
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Saturday, 13 May 2017
After the whole incident with Rebecca, it seemed nothing would ever be the same. Once Teresa and Tiana were told what had happened, they both started freaking out. They weren't mad Jackie hadn't told them, they were incredibly frustrated they hadn't picked up on anything sooner and Tiana started blaming herself for ever having consider Rebecca to be their housemate in the first place. Jackie told them both not to be hard on themselves, they didn't know, and she didn't make it easier by never telling them. This was none of their fault, she didn't want them to blame themselves for anything.
The lads found out through Harry, who didn't come with Sai and Wade back to Paris. By this point, Jackie didn't mind Harry telling them she was bisexual. Everyone else knew, it wasn't a secret, and she was good friends with both Sai and Wade so Harry telling them didn't bother her in the slightest. The boys all seemed to have the same reactions as Tiana and Teresa, though they understood everything a little better now. Finn realised that the time Harry had come to stay with him in March had all been because of Rebecca, and he was suddenly incredibly happy he had stayed for as long as he had. Everyone was so supportive; Jackie couldn't imagine better mates.
Jackie went for another interview with the police where she was informed of all the evidence they had to get Rebecca behind bars. They told her they interviewed Rebecca as well, though they could not tell her anything that had been discussed and so on, which Jackie was fine with. She did not want to know what Rebecca had said, if she had confessed to anything or told them she was innocent of all of it – which would have been stupid considering everything Jackie was holding against her to prove that point completely wrong. The police told her they would contact her with a court date and once that was settled, they'd have another meeting to discuss that. Jackie was glad to finally be getting rid of Rebecca once and for all.
She got Personal Attack Alarms from the police, as well as a promise to be available at all time should she feel threatened or in danger. That was enough for Jackie, knowing all her mates and the police had her back at all times.