Chapter Sixteen

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It seemed like an eternity to receive the good news but when she did, Marlene could feel the heaviness that had been weighing her down lift almost immediately.

"Looks like you're pretty much all healed up," Patrick said enthusiastically one morning. He was examining her abdomen and Marlene chanced a peak to notice the long ugly pink scar where the bloody and distorted crevice had once occupied. It was still raw and mangled; she doubted that it would ever fully disappear, but the scar was a reminder that she was still alive and for that she was thankful.

She had lost count of how long she had been at 's now. Half a year, it felt like, but was probably more like two months. She survived solely off of her visits from Uncle Tom, which were increasingly less frequent than before, and the company of Patrick and Emmeline who took it upon themselves to attempt to distract her with meaningless conversation and homework help during their breaks.

Marlene had fallen into a depression during her time at the hospital and on numerous occasions had to rely on sleeping draughts to help her fight off the nightmares as well as cheering charms to get her through the day. But now Patrick's words gave her a new sense of hope and she didn't need a cheering charm to put the smile on her face as she processed his words.

"Does this mean I finally get to leave?" she asked eagerly.

"Was your visit that horrible?" he asked jokingly with a smile. "Yes, I think that you're healed well enough that we don't have to worry about a relapse. Of course I'll be recommending weekly checkups with Madam Pomfrey just to be on the safe side, at least until we know that it won't break open again. And you're also going to have to take it easy, no Quidditch or any strenuous lifting for awhile."

"Does it look like I play Quidditch?" Marlene laughed despite the fact that she would have jumped at an opportunity to be a part of the Gryffindor team had she possessed the talent.

"You're small," he shrugged, "I think that would give you an excellent advantage as a seeker."

Emmeline was less than enthralled about the news, however. "Who am I going to visit on my lunch breaks now?" she had asked with a slight whine when Marlene had shared the information about her discharge during the lunch hour.

"Oh please, Emmeline, you and I both know that you're just sad you no longer have a pliable excuse to sneak glances at an unsuspecting healer." Only part of that was true; Patrick was definitely not as 'unsuspecting' as Marlene might have originally thought. He took it upon himself to avoid her room at all costs when Emmeline was around, even if it meant foregoing his scheduled rounds.

"Guess I'll just have to get creative," she winked cheekily. "Seriously though, it won't be the same without you around."

Marlene wasn't ashamed to admit that she was going to miss Emmeline's company. She had grown awfully fond of the girl, beginning to think of her like an extended sister that she had never had. But thinking about sisters only reminded her of Lily and knowing that she would finally be reunited with the ones she cared most about was strong enough to wash away the guilt she felt about leaving Emmeline behind.

"Well provided that I don't fall short on my N.E.W.T.s I suspect you will see me again real soon," Marlene offered hopefully. "And of course I'll write."

"You'd better," she said haughtily before punching her arm lightly with affection. "So when do you get to leave?"

"Patrick figured close to supper time. He said that they needed to inform the school of my arrival and get the necessary floo channels set up to take me back to Hogwarts."

"You must be excited," Emmeline smiled. "I imagine this has been a long stout of isolation for you. Ready to finally see that boy of yours?"

"What boy?" Patrick had entered the room behind Emmeline and was looking up from a chart. Either he must not have noticed Emmeline's presence in the room at first or he didn't care as this would be the last day of any perpetual encounters.

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