How you Snuggle and Cuddle

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For TeruyaIsMySon666
*Characters Besides Two were Randomly Chosen*

Haruhiko Kobashikawa
- Snuggles and cuddles a lot when he's either upset or bored; snuggling is when he needs to feel loved.
- Best ones are the one when he's about to fall asleep.
- Fluffy blankets are a huge plus to his cuddles, however they're aren't required.
- If he's watching a scary movie with you, prepare for loud girly screams and using you as a meat shield.
- He's the big spoon, but occasionally is small spoon.
- He's basically a teddy bear and it's amazing.

Kakeru Yamaguci
- Kakeru gets stressed out from work, and just needs a way to relax. Insert your cuddles.
- He's always happy to snuggle you, especially when you do it to relive stress.
- You can just bury yourself in his chest, he's like a pillow.
- You cuddle as he talks about work and other stuff, sometimes he rambles when he's super tired.
- You get him embarrassed a lot when you start rubbing his muscular arms, just flirting a bit. By the way, he'll only let you do that.
- You two would probably watch cat videos together for a while, don't lie.
- Big spoon, that's that.

Teruya Ōtori
- You steal his scarf when you snuggle and cuddle.
- He'll start rambling and ranting about things, and it ever ends-
- He tells really interesting stories while you snuggle, and you always are so interested and curious about them.
- Late night snuggles when you're about to pass out are the best.
- He makes snoring cute. Don't ask how he does it.
- He holds you really close to him, and makes you feel like he's gonna protect you.
- He keeps the gun from Chapter Four in the night table beside him, adding a level of safety.

Syobai Hashimoto
- He rarely cuddles, if you don't make it happen.
- Only good time to snuggle is when he goes to bed.
- He has a smell of cigarettes, but it's comforting to you, since you know it's him.
- If you're very lucky, you can catch him big spooning you.
- Not much with him, but his snuggles literally means everything to you. It's him breaking out of his shell.

Sorry it's short, just needed to make something with the writer surge I had. Also, thanks for idea TeruyaIsMySon666 ^~^

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