Kakeru Headcanons

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*I missed his birthday, sob. First section is more comfort head canons, as well as just a bit more serious stuff.*

Kakeru keeps it a secret, but he has been on the autism spectrum since he can remember. It's a social/mental disability, and it always made it difficult to make and keep friends, although he keeps denying and saying it's social awkwardness. In exchange, he was a really smart student, and got involved in law to help people.

Helping people is the biggest reason he got into law. Since he wasn't able to keep friends close, knowing he's helping others makes him feel better about how he's a lonely person.

Online, he's got a few friends from around the world he talks to. To keep talking to one friend he made, he took English lessons. Too bad they were kind of a cat fishing snake. The poor guy got so sad learning his friend was only his "friend," just to suck him for money.


Before you ask, he's questioning. Like, he has liked girls for as long as he can remember, but like, guys are also great too???

Kakeru loves going on Reddit. He can learn a lot more about different cultures, as well as laugh a lot. Some of his favorite places are r/wholesomememes, r/insanepeoplefacebook, and r/askreddit.

If you look up Wholesome in the dictionary, the picture beside it is Kakeru. Like, he's just a big soft baby. Be it by always being someone to vent to, or just helping you with no expectation for a reward.

He hates admitting it, but he stress eats a lot. Since work puts so much stress on him, he just needs to relax without doing something more stressful.

He would go to law school after graduating from Hope's Peak, if he wasn't already a lawyer. To be honest, he more likely would teach there.

Kakeru has a habit of only writing in pen. He's never learnt to cut it, and just writes with pen. He won't only write in pen, but pencil feels weird to him.

If you're in need of a beach volleyball partner, Kakeru is up for it. He'd play against Shinji a few times too. If they want a real challenge, there's a Team Manager and his gymnast girlfriend always up for it.

Kakeru always has to kill spiders. Everyone basically clings to him if they're there, with Mitch, Kanata and Teruya being the worst at it. He'll taste them a bit by chasing them with the spider before putting it outside.

Kakeru has reading glasses, since his eyesight is basically shot. They're not bad looking, just a basic sliver pair. It goes well with mostly everything.


If you told him he was crushing on someone, he'd be mad, but too flustered too anything. If you told him said crush was on best friend Kanata, he'd die.

But honestly, she just is too sweet, and he loves it. He loves how she cares for him, and how she doesn't turn away from him despite having his autism. If anything, she stayed closer.

She secretly has a crush on him too, but she kept close to Kakeru because of a few reasons. One, he protects her from people like Teruteru and Yuri. Two, he's just an amazing human. And three, she felt really bad for him, after he told her about the struggles he had keeping friends.

And yes, if anyone is being all perverted to Kanata, Kakeru will 98% of the time scare the shit out of him. If it's Teruteru or Yuri, he'll drop kick them like a football.

He'd finally get the opportunity to ask her out once Mitch basically exposed his crush to her. Lets say that Kakeru almost sent a man to the hospital that day. At least when he did confess his feelings, she had the same too.


Post killing game life is always difficult. From his injuries, he was in the hospital for well over a year. Both from the neck injury being really bad and it affecting his ability to function, and how he wasn't able to breath on his own for about three months.

There always was the talk of just pulling the cord, but not without Kanata having a meltdown. She cared for her friend and refused to let him down. He gave his life for the possibility of her being safe, and letting him die would be the biggest betrayal.

Once he was awake and able to breath on his own, he had to learn how to balance himself. He also had to keep an inhaler on him, since breathing would still be difficult. He also had a neck brace up until his release, but he got to keep it. Mostly in case he needed it again.

He found out what happened after his "death" and felt so guilty. Not only for failing to save Kanata, but failing to stop Kinji from being a murderer. Kinji refuses to be forgiven, but Kakeru keeps trying.

Kakeru gets nightmares quite a bit about the games, since he couldn't save people from dying. He'd wake in a cold sweat, shaking and on verge of tears.

Kakeru is just a good boy and we love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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