Chapter 4

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"Oh.. hey?"

He chuckled. But it was bitter like..

"You okay?" i asked.

"I guess.."

He looked down and wouldn't lift his head up.

"Alex , look at me."

He was silent

Then he slowly turned.

His blue eyes look faded but i started to look at his features a bit more. He had a scar on his neck, quite unnoticeable but once you take a second look you cant miss it.

I started scratching mu wrist because i wondered what that scar was.

I gave him a sympathetic smile because... well i don't know why but i felt it was good to smile at him.

He returned it and took our a piece of paper. He started scribbling on it, then folded it and handed it to me.

*it reads*

I know she told you

I held the paper and stared at it for awhile. Then i saw my neighborhood.

"I uh... this is my stop, i got to go."

He moved aside and i just hugged him.

At first he didn't respond then he hugged back. I felt my cheeks turn pink because the driver was staring at us with heart eyes and guys were whistling. I got off but with Alex behind me.

I forgot that this is his stop. Korra was behind me giving me a funny look and I said "Dont worry"

Alex turned crossed the street but i followed him.

I kept walking just like he did and I started to look up in the sky. It was cloudy but you could see the sun. It was the perfect temp- oomph!

Alex suddenly stopped and I bumped into his back. Ow..

"Corinth? Why are you following me?"

"I uh uhhhh..." I trailed off.

He scratched the back of his neck and said "Well..." with a smirk. "It looks like its gonna rain and were closer to my house so being the gentlemen I am" he chuckled " I insist you come over."

I smiled at him. "Yeah that be cool considering I need help on the science homework."

We walked onto a very long driveway where a saw 3 cars and a few skateboards. I saw a penny board and immediately went straight for it. It's was an ombré color with bright wheels.

" Weeeee " i said like a child riding down his driveway. He started laughing and took off after me when I passed him.

"Your such a child!"

I stepped off the board.

Looked him straight in the eye and said "Hi I'm Corinth, have we met?"

I put my hand out for him to shake and he chuckled and shook my hand.

" No I believe not."

" Then I guess we should learn about each other." i said with a smile.

"Then Onwards to my humble abode!" he said and opened up the door.

"Thank you my good man."

I said with a bow.

"Of course." he said.

Yo his house is huge!

There was a fireplace, flat screen tv and a huge kitchen. And a big kitchen means a lot of food!

"Some one looks hungry..." he murmured.

"mother of tushy ARE THOSE BROWNIES?!"

"BWAHAHA did you say tushy? and yes go ahead and have s-some!"

He laughed so hard and clutched his stomach.

"Nom nom nom..."

"Hey don't eat em all, pass me one!"

"Think fast!"

He literally jumped for that brownie and I seriously thought I saw a seal.

"Your moms good at baking" I said as I plopped on the couch next to him.

"Actually I baked them" he said.

I looked at him like he gave birth to a turtle.

"What, my mom doesn't wanna bake them so I learned how to!" He angrily yelled.

"Alex I thinks its awesome that you bake! I just thought you would be the type of person to burn the house down"

"Well there was this one time..." He trailed off.


"I'm kidding!"

I started looking under pillows and under the couch.

"What are you doing Cor?"

"Looking for a fire hydrant duh!"

"Baha whatever. Lets play Mario Bros!"

"YAYYYYY" I yelled and grabbed a remote.

" Mario Kart or or Galaxy version?"

"Yo thats a really hard decision.." I said scratching my chin.

I heard the Thot Walk song start playing and u recognized it was my ringtone.

"Oh I gotta take this"

" Kay Kay" He said.

I looked at my phone and and pressed the answer button before looking at the number.

"Blue?" (an: get get it? Hehe yellow? hello?)

"We need to talk"

Soooo what yall think? Omg freakin over thirty reads! Thats pretty cool!

When I write stories in school they usually suck cuz i don't have enough time to write good details. But people actually like my story!

So in honor of this i will tell all of you who Alex is when I get 15 votes! thank you to whoever reads these!😊

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