Chapter 5: New Enemies

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Beep Beep Beep Beep


I threw my alarm clock across the room getting a grounding from my dad.

"I payed for that Ya know!"

i groaned and rolled off my bed onto the floor.

"You don't get much love do you floor?"

"You better get up Corinth before I get the ice water!"my dad said.

I rose to my feet and jumped in the bathroom. Shower, Brush my teeth, Get out me eye boogers

Clean Clean

"Haha im so funny,where's my tv show?"

I wore a blue,simple shirt that says Cool Story Bruh and some beige shorts. I sign it off with my new KDs that came out last week. Woot Woot!

I came down ,grabbed a seat and munched on some chocolate chip waffles.

"My complements to the chef!" I said while chewing

"Why thank you, that will be a hundred dollars." he said with a laugh , putting his hand out.

I slapped my hand down and have my dad a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey dad I'm gonna skate to school today, bye!"

"Bye sweetie, be safe!"

I ran out the door with my longboard and looked at the kids boarding the bus. I spotted Alex and waved he smiled and i motioned him to come. He refused but I was already pulling him.

"Yo this better be good because I missed the bus!"

"Cmon skate with me to school!"

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at his house.

"Alright let's do it" he ran over to his driveway and grabbed his penny board.

"Race you to the school!"

"Your on!" he yelled.

I kicked my foot and swiftly glided down the road. Alex was catching up but since I chose my longboard I could easily beat him. It was a beautiful day so I decided to just ride and let him beat me.

"Ha that was easy!" he yelled stopping at the school sidewalk.

"I'll get you-oomph!"

I saw a blonde and pink blur

"Watch where your going idiot!" the blonde cheerleader said picking up her fake eyelash that fell off.

I could help but laugh and I let out a fake cough. She glared at me and winked at Alex.

"I wouldn't mind if you did though hot stuff." she flipped her hair and whipped around to her team, giving me one last glare.

"Sheesh" I said

"Hey are you okay?" Alex said as he extended and arm towards me. I held to it and he pulled me up.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just hoping her makeup didn't rub on me."

He chuckled and we headed inside the school.

"Hey I'll see you at class."

"Kay, see you."

I walked over to my locker. I see

Macy and Korra smirking.

"Uh hey guys?"

They kept smirking.

"WHAT?" I yelled. They finally spoke

"Alex and you spill!"

"Guys were friends and I just want to be a good one" I said looking at my KDs.

They looked at me and knew I wanted to drop it so they changed the subject.

"I thought those KDs weren't out yet!" Korra said

"Uh you guys need to be more girly" Macy groaned

I laughed and said to Macy "I wore a skirt last year isn't that enough"

She smiled and threw a crumpled up piece of paper at me. Well her aim was terrible and guess who she hit instead.

"Run" i said to Macy.

She froze and speed walked to her class.

I turn around to an angry caked up cheerleader with a piece of paper stuck in her hair.

"Jeez woman how much hairspray did you use?" I laughed nervously








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