Chapter 8

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*A picture of Macy on the side*

"STOP STOP!" I shouted but I was too late.

Macy out of all people had gotten into a fight.

She had a fist full of cheerleader hair and a bloody lip. She was on top of the cheerleader who was about to throw a punch when I grabbed her arm and said "Back off"

I pulled Macy off and into the bathroom and checked her lip. She looked happy with what she had done. But she had a few scratches and a bloody lip. The door swung open and Korra rushed in.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE NUGGETS MACY?!" she said grabbing some paper towels and dabbing Macy's lip.

"She deserved it" she said with a smile.

"What exactly happened?" i said to Macy calmly.

She sighed but shook her head.

"Can I tell you guys after school I need to uh- uh I need to-"

"It's okay we know" Korra interrupted .

"Thanks for understating Kor" she said.

We were silent for an awkward 5 seconds and all you could hear was the dripping of the faucet.

"Well cmon lets get you some food" i smiled.








Finally the last bell. School felt longer today. Well I'll have to get use to it.

I met up with Macy and Korra and decided we would go to Macy's house to talk.

*skips bus ride*

"Just lay your stuff on the floor and you guys can eat whatever's in the fridge" Macy yelled as she jumped onto her bed upstairs. I could tell because I heard the floor go bu doom.

Me and Korra raced to the fridge and got some ice cream. We were busy licking out bowls when I noticed Macy just staring at her closet.

"So you wanna talk about it? I really don't care if you don't were gonna get it out of you anyways." I simply stated.

Macy laughed lightly

"She was talking crap about Alex" she huffed.

I was taken back a little. Especially since she never really talked about Alex.

"A-Alex? What did they say?"

"They said he was a freak and should tried to be happy instead of moping around. And that he was too cute and had everything he wanted so why was he like that?.... I use to be like him Corinth, just like him. Kids like us aren't always happy." By now she was in tears.

I didn't know what to do. The only ever person I've ever seen crying was my mom. Korra blinked at me and got up. She sat next to Macy and pulled her into a hug. I got up and hugged both of them.

We all just stayed their for a few minutes just awkwardly hugging.

Macy pulled away and started drying her tears

"Dang whew okay let's go penny boarding I need to blow off some stress" she laughed.

"Wait I didn't bring mine!" Korra said

Macy was already walking downstairs and whipped her head around and said " I got a new one so I have enough for us!"

After an hour of penny boarding and Teen wolf we all said our goodnite. Macy's mom already told our parents where we were so we were able to sleep over.




After a week the fight was now just old news. I haven't talked to Alex in a while so I was thinking of inviting him over.

I was walking down the hallway when I dropped my books and ran over to the crying boy with a blade in his hand.

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